Patrick Phillips wants you to think about the arts. The publisher and editor of Arts and Ideas Magazine has also contributed much of the energy behind Art Island, a festival of arts and ideas, taking place here on Martha’s Vineyard.
The plan was to create a festival, organized and populated by Island artists of all kinds, to build awareness about how important the role of arts is to the Island economy. The festival was also designed to be fun, with over 60 artists taking part throughout October. This weekend marks the close of this chapter of the festival, however the idea is for it to be ongoing, both in a formal and informal structure.
On each of the last four Tuesdays, brown bag lunches were held at the Harbor View Hotel featuring panels ranging from a talk about an artisan’s trail mobil app., to a media professionals day which included representatives from WMVY, WVVY, NPR, The Vineyard Gazette, The Martha’s Vineyard Times, Patch and MVTV.
This past week, there have been activities at the Harbor View Hotel nearly every day as the festival enters its final moments. On Wednesday night local artists participated in a Pecha Kucha Night, a global movement where artists introduce 20 slides of their work, but are limited to discussing each slide for no longer than 20 seconds.
On Friday, Oct. 26, beginning at 6 p.m. there will be an open house party at the hotel featuring music, fashion and art throughout the grounds.
On Saturday the day begins at 1:30 p.m. with YardWorks, featuring dancers from the Yard. At 3 p.m. the Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival moves in and presents two screenings of short films by local filmmakers. And beginning at 9 p.m. there is a masquerade ball with music by the Sultans of Swing.
The weekend at the Harbor View closes on Sunday with a children’s carnival from 1 to 4 p.m.
All of these events are free, except for the masquerade ball. Tickets are $25.
For more information about these events and Arts and Ideas, visit
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