At a special town meeting in Aquinnah next Thursday voters will be asked to pay for the town’s share of the Massachusetts Estuaries Project.
The meeting begins at 7 p.m. at the Aquinnah town hall. Moderator Michael Hebert will preside; there are seven articles on the warrant. A quorum of 39 is required.
Voters will be asked to transfer $16,700 from the town stabilization fund to go toward the Massachusetts Estuaries Project study for Menemsha and Squibnocket ponds. The ongoing study is being conducted by marine scientists from the University of Massachusetts at Dartmouth, who are mapping and writing reports for 89 saltwater ponds and coastal embayments throughout southeastern Massachusetts.
The town share was originally $31,700, but was cut in half thanks to a $15,000 contribution from Aquinnah resident Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg. The donation was agreed on when the family subdivided its 375-acre property in 2006 for estate planning reasons.
Chilmark voters approved that town’s $31,000 share of the study at the annual town meeting last April. The Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) is also contributing to the study.
At the special town meeting voters will also be asked to spend $1,500 in Community Preservation Act money to restore and repair the cattle pound on State Road. The pound, once used to house stray livestock, is located on private property. The town has written to the homeowner seeking permission for the project.
A new reserve fund intended to pay for unused sick and vacation days for retired town employees is also on the warrant.
Remaining articles involve unpaid bills from the prior fiscal year.
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