I write from the Old Country where I just spent a very interesting Thanksgiving with Nonna, family, friends, my two dogs and cat. Her insurance time was up at rehab, so thank goodness Dr. John Campbell has returned to his chiropractic practice on-Island and brought charming young associate Sean Norkus. The two talented men were able to patch my back enough for me to drive down here.
The trip did take its toll but, guess what? My father’s chiropractor, Dr. Delman, who started treating my dad in the fifties, is still in his same office and has taken me on. How is that for continuity? Nancy McPartlin Gardella and my nephew, Jonathan, also joined us for four days and we had a great visit. I do hope to see you all soon.
Many thanks to Dr. Moshman, Eileen, Sarah, Ayat and everyone else who helped patch Nonna up to enjoy her Thanksgiving.
Martha Dunham celebrated Thanksgiving and her Nov. 25 birthday with her large family on-Island. Granddaughter Becca came and had a preview of her upcoming Dec. 1 birthday.
Leigh Smith, who caught the same boat off-Island as I did, traveled to Waltham to daughter Pam’s. She was joined by Pam’s sons, Steve and Johnny. Leigh’s son, Procter, was unable to take the time from work to visit family down South with his wife Laura and daughter Nellie, so he joined his nephews, sister and mom in Waltham. They had a blast.
Grace Burton Sundman, daughter of Betty Burton and John Sundman, is leaving for a very exciting humanitarian trip to Rwanda on Dec. 8. Grace has hooked up with the Center for Peacebuilding in Karuna and hopes to be working with them, addressing education, poverty, medical needs and so on. Grace is an Island original, Tisbury School, MVRHS, and a B.A. from St. Lawrence University. If you can help send Grace on her way and add to the fund for medical and educational supplies, all much needed in Rwanda, call Grace or Betty at 508-693-3339.
Here is your last call for items to donate and time to volunteer for the annual Handmade from the Heart festival at the Dr. Daniel Fisher House in Edgartown from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8. All proceeds benefit Hospice patients on Martha’s Vineyard. Call 508-693-0189 if you can lend a hand.
Our Vineyard Haven Public Library is celebrating 50 years of 007. The program director has chosen Bond movies from different eras for three free showings on the next three Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in the program room. On Dec. 4 the presentation is a classic Sean Connery Bond film with Shirley Bassey singing the famous theme song. On Dec. 11 George Lazenby stars in his only turn as James Bond. On Dec. 18 Daniel Craig stars in what is considered the best Bond film ever. I’ll see you there.
The library also introduces the famous photography of Joe Doebler for Art in the Stacks beginning Sunday, Dec. 2nd. Remember our library has winter hours of noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays. You can catch the exhibit on the first day. Joe has traveled far and wide and has great photos.
Belated birthday balloons to Mona Singh, who celebrated on Nov. 19. Pat Ginter had her special day on Nov. 26. Her son, Phil Ginter, followed with his birthday on Nov. 27.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Marcia Cunningham today. Dec. 1 belongs to Becca Dunham. Dec. 3 is for my esteemed colleague John Alley and Charles Beal. Dec. 4 is a party for Travis Gramkowski, Beth McCormick, Neuza Tate and Melanie Godek. Dec. 5 is shared by Paresa Paiva and Mark Zajackowski. And on Dec. 6 Emily Diamond, Kevin Sullivan, Elise Thomas and Robert MacKay Sr. take the cake. Many happy returns.
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