

Woody and Phyllis Williams are proud to announce that daughter Vanessa, now living in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., graduated from Pace University on Sept. 1 with a degree in law. Her significant other, Evan, has his mother Mary sitting as a supreme court judge in Westchester County.

Vanessa, Evan and Mary had a delightful three-day visit to the Island for Thanksgiving. The three joined Woody and Phyllis for a fine holiday meal at the Harbor View. Congratulations, Vanessa!

I am proud to announce that my son, Christopher Leigh Clark, graduated from Upper Iowa University just a few days before Christmas. His bachelor of science degree is in accounting. I can’t wait for Chris to get here and straighten out my checkbook! Chris has been taking college courses even as he served in the Marine Corps and began his family. Meanwhile, his wife Lilly, also a Marine, has won a scholarship in engineering. Both Chris and Lilly are still working their security jobs and raising their two boys, Corbyn, eight, and Dominic, five (soon to be six), in Rockford, Ill. Congratulations all around.

Leigh Smith spent a wonderful 12-day winter vacation in Boston with daughter Pam. As usual with the Smiths, it turned into a huge family reunion with almost everyone attending but two grandsons who lived too far away to make it. Leigh is back in West Chop now and expecting daughter Allison on Monday for a brief visit.

Our Vineyard Haven Public Library hosts a most unusual nature program next Tuesday, Jan. 8, at 7 p.m. in the program room. Susie Bowman, teacher and naturalist at Felix Neck, will present a slide show and lecture on Dragons of the Air: Dragonflies and Damselflies. All are welcome.

Because the West Tisbury Library is under construction many of its programs are being presented at other facilities. Bring your infant to three-year-olds to our library on Thursday, Jan. 10 at 10:30 a.m. for Mother Goose on the Loose.

It’s not too early to sign up for the annual Burns Supper presented by the Scottish Society of Martha’s Vineyard. You needn’t be a Scot or a member of the society to attend, but seats fill up quickly. Call Deborah Medders at 508-693-1039 to reserve your spot for Saturday, Jan. 26 at the Harbor View Hotel. The program begins at 5:30 p.m. I’ll see you there.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Barsha Tolin and Helena Nivala today. Jan. 5 is shared by Jim Bishop and Anthony Iammarino. Jan. 7 is claimed by Jamie Amaral. Jan. 8 shines on Sonya Mayrand. Jan. 9 is a party for Lou Jannace, Tarny Levett, and Amanda Star Kieffer. And on Jan. 10 Dominic Leigh Clark, Aja Stamp, Rita Shapiro, Teika Lampart, Sandra Healy and Brigitte Araujo take the cake. Many happy returns.