Last weekend was cold and it snowed on Saturday. It is mighty quiet around town; a lot of people have been or are leaving for a winter vacation but don’t you think that finding a deer asleep in your neighbor’s backyard is something a bit unusual?
Nearly 60 people attended Cynthia Riggs’s 26th annual Groundhog Day party last Saturday. The political season has begun. Candidates for re-election, including Jonathan Revere on the finance committee and Dan Waters on the library board of trustees, were busy circulating their nomination papers.
Malcolm Hall reports that his wife Judy has just returned from Bethany Beach, Del., were she attended the annual Carmen Miranda mid-winter art festival. His okra plants are about an inch tall in his Oklahoma City greenhouse.
The town Democratic committee will caucus tomorrow from 10:45 a.m. to noon at the Howes House to elect delegates to the state convention on June 1. All who are interested are urged to attend and to participate. Rufus Peebles, keeper of the togas, will be on hand with his usual wit and wisdom.
Pam Butterick of the Federated Church in Edgartown reports that they will serve a lasagna luncheon every Sunday afternoon from 1 to 3 p.m. beginning this Sunday and running through March 24, in the parish house on South Summer street. The luncheon is free and open to anyone. For questions, please email
Sandra Polleys visited the Vineyard recently to see her mom and several friends. She has been busy finishing interviews and writing her thesis for Binghamton College in New York on her health access study of Vineyard residents that took more than two years to compile.
Ed Konicki of Webster was browsing in a bookstore in his neck of the woods last week and discovered a July 9, 1955 edition of Your Weekly Cape Cod Guide Including Martha’s Vineyard. The Island page is listed under the heading of North Tisbury. It recommends visitors to the Cape to take a side trip to the Island. You had three options to get here from then: the steamer from Woods Hole operated by the Massachusetts Steamship Authority, the Catherine Tek from Hyannis or you could fly over from Barnstable airport for $5.95 per person.
Steve Lohman, president of Big Bunny Fine Art, asked all his friends to join him for an event last Wednesday in New Orleans, La. They had a memorable evening with a live painting performance by New Orleans artist Amzie Adams showcasing his recent body of work Spirit Paintings. There were musical performances by Rotten Milk and other guests. Steve says it was a blast and they did not lose power.
History Note: On Feb. 12, 1945 Mel Barker of Music street returned home to spend two weeks with his wife Dorothy and their daughters Judith and Karen. Mr. Barker had completed a three-week assignment as a USO sketch artist that took him to hospitals in Tuscaloosa, Ala., Jackson, Miss., and Memphis, Tenn.
Happy birthday to: Elaine Barnett, Elizabeth Carr, Dianne McDonough and Kate Warner today; Paul Thurlow and Harold Lawry tomorrow; Mabelle Medowski, Al DeVito, Sir Brooke Zern, Catherine Minkiewicz, Lynn Hoeft and Nickolas Peters on Sunday; Bev Bergeron, Deirdre Ling and Karena Hammarlund on Monday; Debbie Otto, Ken Kram, Malcolm Young, Brad Tucker, Sandra Polleys and Jill Amado on Tuesday; Vincent Lenza and Gayle Stiller on Wednesday; Michelle McCormick, Chris Morse, Suzanne Fenn, Laurie Huff and Beth Toomey on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Florence Rossman. Just 37 years ago Thursday, Tim and Eileen Maley were married in the Field Gallery.
Well, that is all the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Thursday is Valentine’s Day, so be sure to remember that special person in your life. Have a great week.
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