Rain, snow, rain, snow, rain, snow equals three inches of ice. Another eight to 12 inches on top means we should all stay in our houses and wait for it to melt. Unless you have a snowplow or wonderful neighbors to come to shovel you out, that is.
Thank you to all, especially my special neighbors who did shovel me out.
Happy birthday to those who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Ibrauhim Al-Hamid and Liam Decker, who celebrated their day Feb. 9; Amanda Moraes and Maksim Pachico, Feb. 11; Sophia Decker and John Habekost Jr., Feb. 12; Phillip Oliveira, Feb. 13; and to Nathan Cuthbert and Devin Hill, who celebrate their day today, Feb. 15. Special birthday wishes go out to Dick Enos, who celebrated his day Feb. 7.
This is a hard week for news as the storm kept us all in the house for some days. We were lucky we did not lose our lights, but I know there were plenty of people up-Island who were not so lucky. It makes us aware how important it is to keep extra supplies on hand, including batteries for the flashlights and foods you can eat without cooking.
If you are out and about one day or going to the mail, take a drive around Donaroma’s. The four small poly houses that were in the back of the outside register are now gone. They will be replaced with one big house to hold all the annual plants. We are all excited to see what is will look like when it is done — and also excited that all the plants will be in one house instead of having to tell customers what house the plants are in, only to find out they had just been moved to another part of the nursery. The new house will have enough room to carry additional items like planters and gardening supplies.
By the time you read this Valentine’s Day will have come and gone. I hope you received some nice flowers or candy from your secret admirer.
The update on Kathy Perry is that she has been moved to the Falmouth Care and Rehabilitation Center. You may send cards to Falmouth Care and Rehab, 351 Jones Road, Falmouth, MA 02540. Kathy is doing well and talking, but still needs to build up her strength. She is itching to come home, but it might be a little while until she can live at her house safely.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
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