Chilmark was favored with a mostly clear evening and bright full moon this weekend. It was a treat to see it between storms. As I write midweek it is raining hard and our poor mainland friends and families are getting more snow. Maybe March will bring some more clement weather to us as we now begin to obsess about all our spring chores waiting to be done. Hopefully, winter is almost over. We have to admit, though, that power outages have been minimal this season. No doubt due to the otherwise grotesque tree trimming that went on all over the Island last fall. Watching that being done was a lesson in picking priorities. Now let’s get some leaves on those poor trees!
It is very quiet in Chilmark this week as school is on vacation and many families are off-Island. It always interests me how many go to other islands! There is some meaning to this but I haven’t worked it out yet!
Jessica Day of Chilmark and Manhattan had a major role in a college production that was well received at Wesleyan University in Middletown, Conn. where she is a freshman. Next, she will take part in a musical planned for a spring production. Jess will join her parents, David and Catha Day, at their Peaked Hill home come summer.
Pizza nights are returning to the Chilmark Community Church on Tuesdays starting on March 12 at 6 p.m. in the fellowship hall. All are welcome to the food and, if so inclined, to join in the games that follow. The pastor of the church, Seonmoon Ahn, is offering to teach interested people how to play the guitar, bass and/or drums. He is willing to teach a group or individuals. There will be no charge for these lessons. Please contact him at the church or parsonage for details.
The Pathways Project for artists of all media meets at the Chilmark Tavern every Monday and Friday from 2 to 6 p.m. and Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please call them for details at 508-645-9098.
The Friends of the Chilmark Library continue to show movies in the library meeting room at 7 p.m. on Fridays. Tonight the movie is Gentleman’s Agreement. On March 8 they will conclude the winter program with the movie Gaslight. All are welcome at no charge and drinks and popcorn are provided.
Todd Christy of Chilmark Coffee is home from a 10-day trip to San Francisco where he served as an apprentice with Willem Boot, a world-renowned master roaster and cupper of international coffees in Mill Valley. Chilmark Coffee is a successful and growing local company. Todd is already working to incorporate the things he learned. Visit his web page at chilmarkcoffeeco.com.
Mitchell and Clarissa Posin are home from an enjoyable visit to New Hampshire where they visited their friend Abby’s farm. They did some snowshoeing and other outdoor activities to enjoy the wonderful light snow present there. The couple entertained their off-Island friends with a feast of Chilmark shelfish fresh from the pond.
Town hall is happy to report that the budget hearings are completed and the warrant is ready for the annual town report. Remember to check the Chilmark webpage for the details of the report.
The Community Center is closed this week for some much needed painting and cleaning.
Adam Moore of the Sheriff’s Meadow Foundation is fundraising for the restoration that is now underway at the Mayhew Mitchell house at Quansoo. He is doing the necessary paperwork to put the house on the National Register of Historic Places. Chilmark has one house, Barn House, already on that register. Please contact Adam if you want to help in this worthy effort.
The Chilmark Library will be offering a workshop over a three-week period on how to get the most out of your CLAMS membership. The program will be led by the librarian from Aquinnah, Lisa Sherman. The workshops will be on Wednesdays at 5 p.m. on March 20 and 27 and on April 3. Please make note of the dates. For further information, call the Chilmark library at 508-645-3360.
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