The Island’s main port town will soon officially be a domestic violence-free zone.
At their meeting Tuesday, Tisbury selectmen voted on a Martha’s Vineyard Community Services initiative to place a street sign in town declaring Tisbury a domestic violence-free zone. The plan is an Islandwide effort and was signed off on by police chiefs in all towns. Selectman Jeffrey Kristal commented that he was in full support of the sentiment, but also felt that an effort should be made to increase police officer training regarding domestic violence.
“Rather than just hang up a sign and say, ‘Okay, we did it,’ we can take it back to our department,” he said.
The proposal was approved pending proposed location of the sign.
In other business the selectmen continued a public hearing for proposed new mooring fees after concerns were raised over resident versus nonresident application fees. The hearing will continue at the board’s next meeting on March 19.
Selectmen also signed off on a previously-approved contract for the creation of an affordable housing electronic database, and voted to increase the stipend amount paid to firefighters for non-firefighting duties such as storm coverage and shoveling out hydrants. The amount was increased from $100 per eight-hour shift to $120 per eight-hour shift to align with the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s rate of reimbursement.
The board also reviewed the first draft of the annual town meeting and special town meeting warrants, and voted to change the time of their biweekly meetings to half an hour later; the meetings will now begin at 5:30 p.m.
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