Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone affected by the tragedy in Boston on Monday. A very sad ending to what is usually a very joyous event for those participating in the marathon as well as the spectators.
Daffodils are in full bloom around town and the forsythia is as well. Goldfinches have returned. The temperatures have been in the 50s and 60s with sunshine in abundance. The shops are beginning to open for the season at the cliffs. Tomorrow is Earth Day, so enjoy cleaning one of the beaches in your community.
Aquinnah Public Library will observe Earth Day with crafts throughout the day.
The third annual Sheepapalooza will be celebrated at the Farm Institute on Saturday, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Enjoy watching sheep shearing throughout the day with Andy Rice, learn about fiber arts or take a wagon ride. Lunch will be available between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tickets are $10 for a family or $5 per individual.
The Martha’s Vineyard Youth Task Force invites parents of Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School junior class members to a free dinner on Thursday, April 25 at 6 p.m. in the Culinary Arts Dining Room. Please RSVP at 508-696-5304.
Aquinnah Town Clerk Carolyn Feltz would like to remind one and all that the last day to register to vote will be on Wednesday, April 24 during business hours in time for the annual town meeting and election. Absentee ballots may be requested in person or by writing. The annual town meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 14 at the Aquinnah town hall. Voting will take place on Wednesday, May 15 from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the Aquinnah town hall.
Carolyn Feltz returned home Sunday after spending the past week with her father, John Feltz, in New Jersey. Her sister Janice will return to the Vineyard with John so that he may enjoy a brief visit.
Michael and Eleanor Hebert returned on Monday evening after spending the weekend in Newport, R.I. enjoying the sights and sounds as well as shopping and theatre.
Jenna Petersiel was in the neighborhood over the long weekend. Her arrival is always noted by a run through our yard by her adorable dog, Marley. Jenna will return soon for another season at the Chilmark Tavern.
Condolences to the family and friends of Patricia Boisvert Luce Wyatt, who passed away on April 8 at Falmouth Hospital. It was a pleasure to assist Pat at the Art Cliff Diner while we prepared meals to be delivered to the compound for the Secret Service in the late 1990s during President Clinton’s term. Pat was a proud member of the Leech Lake Band of Chippewa’s. A memorial service will be held at Chapman, Cole and Gleason Funeral Home on April 20 from 3 to 5 p.m. A celebration of Pat’s life will be held at the home of her dear friends Denys and Marilyn Wortman, at the site where Pat and her husband Marvin “Buddy” Wyatt were married.
Happy birthday wishes this week to our Up-Island Council on Aging director, Joyce Bowker, as she celebrates her special day on April 21. James Mahoney and Lauren Martin share the day on April 21. Clovis Hugo Smith will be two years old on April 22. Tim Laursen parties on the 22nd. Denys Wortman and Tom Rabbitt share the day on April 23, as will Rachel Millman Vanderhoop. My former fellow cardiac rehab friend Ray Ellis will observe his 92nd birthday on April 24 (yes, Ray, we have enjoyed our autographed books). Philip J. Parent will celebrate his special day on April 26.
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