Oh, boy! I have butterflies in my stomach, or perhaps a couple of crows. I head off into the wild blue yonder today for another white-knuckle flight, but the reason I’m traveling is really worth it. I’ll let you know next week how it all comes out. For those of us terrified of flying, it was anxiety-ridden enough before, but I’ll never forgive the terrorists for making it so unpleasant now. Stay tuned.
Dorothy Bangs was the ultimate friend, wife, mother, teacher and community activist. I was very sad to hear of her death. So much talent in one woman! Our condolences to her family and friends. The Island won’t ever be the same without her.
I am surprised by the mostly positive feedback I am getting regarding the roundabout. Of course, traffic hasn’t hit its ultimate season yet so stay tuned.
Here is a meeting some of my friends from Connecticut have changed their boat reservations for in order to attend: Mimi Davisson invites you all to the Howes House in West Tisbury tomorrow to help plan the Martha’s Vineyard Democratic participation in our U.S. senate election scheduled for June 25. The time is from 9 to 10:30 a.m., and more information is available at 508-696-1075 or visit
The azaleas are blooming and beautiful, colorful surprises are emerging from non-flowering shrubs. May is off to a great start. The children’s fishing derby always makes me nostalgic. Soon it will be time for the kids to march to the sea with their May flowers in honor of our service members.
Many people were married in May and here are two happy couples: anniversary bouquets go out to John and Nancy Gardella and Tim and Susan Anthony on May 10.
The birthday bandwagon comes up empty in my book today but tomorrow is shared by Mary Anne D’Alessandro and Tristan Klein. May 12 belongs to Jyl Manning and P.J. Fleming. May 13 shines on Terri Hayes and James Cooley. May 14 is a party for Jesse Elsasser, Emily Tarbegh, Becky Esposito and Dan D. Koch the younger. May 15 honors Jeffrey Sylvia, and on May 16 Silvio Spiconardi and James Seccombe take the cake. Many happy returns.
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