

Here comes a weekend full of memories and celebration for all the service people committed to our country who helped keep us free. Now you can do something for me, please. I am in New York after a whirlwind few weeks attending Chris Clark’s college graduation in Iowa, then stopping to help Nonna celebrate her 96th birthday in White Plains last weekend. I shall miss the annual occasions that make our town so great. Please attend for me with all your enthusiasm and love.

Today, of course, we have the Tisbury school children’s March to the Sea, the parade to honor our war heroes that proceeds mid-day from Tisbury School to the dock at Robert Owen Park where the children toss bouquets of remembrance into the water. This is followed by an always stirring ceremony in the park. On Monday my local American Legion Post 257 on Martin Road invites you to help set up the more than 400 flags to honor our servicemen and women. They ask that you be at the Oak Grove cemetery in Vineyard Haven at 7:30 a.m. and return at 3 p.m. to take them down. In between, bring your families, Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, everyone in uniform or not, to the parade that steps off from Legion Hall at 9:30 a.m. and proceeds to the Avenue of Flags in the cemetery. You can witness the laying of the wreaths, guest speakers, the playing of taps, and return with your friends and neighbors to the hall where a reception will be held. I say “howdy” in advance to all the people I usually sit with on this great day. And be sure to show up for town picnic on Monday, weather permitting. Have a great weekend, everyone. In my heart, I am there.

So much going on this weekend but here’s a special new event: find your way to the new theatre at the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society tonight at 6 p.m. for a free concert featuring Delores Stevens on piano and violist Lila Brown. The musicians are special but the piano is the surprise. This is a dazzling white grand piano on loan to the film society from the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society. Richard Paradise promises to take good care of it. The 30-minute concert is free to all and will be followed by a film program requiring the usual admission. Call 508-696-9369 or email if you have any questions.

The Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club presents its annual spring sale at the Old Mill in West Tisbury tomorrow and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. See all the flowering blooms and potential vegetables your yard might like.

Welcome back to the ‘hood to my dear friends Paul and Marge Howes. I cannot believe they returned to the Island before I could! Laurie Marotta took some lovely pictures of the spring perennials blooming at my house, which I missed this year. It was sweet of her to send them.

Addendum to the Rockford Files I wrote about last week: you all know one of Tim and Rose Anthony’s nine kids, Michael Anthony. He so kindly left me a message that he read my column last week and loves it when I write about Rockford, where he spent six years working and studying. Here’s to meeting in the midwest, Michael! Thanks for the call.

The other heartbreakingly cute thing about my sojourn in Rockford was what happened the day before I left. I put my grandsons, Corbyn and Dominic, on their school bus in the morning. I returned to their house to pack my suitcase for my flight the next day. That night, when I went to tuck them into bed, I stared in amazement at my empty suitcase. I saw the sleeve of a blouse peeking out from under one bed, a shoe in the closet, a shoe in the middle of the rug, and my jewelry case and toiletries scattered all over. I turned to look at the two little boys standing beside me. Corbyn announced: “We unpacked for you. We don’t want you to go.”

Anniversary bouquets go out to the counters of CB Stark’s jewelry stores on May 28. This is the umpteenth year of the start of her business on the Island.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along a very special lady today, Elizabeth “Betty” Gardner, who turns 90! I have loved Betty for many years; her stories and her knowledge are unlimited. I remember one great conversation at her house about the old days of jazz and swing that made me particularly jealous. She told me that back in the day, Frank Sinatra played at her prom in New Jersey. Way to go, Betty! Betty shares this day with Bob Dylan and Jessica Walsh. May 25 is a party for Becky Jewett, Peter Scott, Ruda Stone, Amy Litchfield, Peter Campbell and Celeste Ewing. May 26 honors Chris Osborn, JoAnn Murphy, Melissa Fleming, Jay Leno and Cathy Gallagher. May 27 shines on Shawn Townes, Shannon McAuliffe, Esme Ruth Towles, and Christian Keoni King. Cheryl Stark celebrates her special day on May 28. May 29 is claimed by Marina Kaufman, and on May 30 Maura Begley, Olivia Gomez Blanco, and Noah Aidan Meyers Von Bremen take the cake. Many happy returns.