The Cape Cod Community College expands its course offerings on the Island this fall by adding a medical terminology course in the college’s efforts to expand the Allied Health career pathway. The course will be taught Wednesday evenings in the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital medical staff library by Dr. Lena Prisco, director of the hospital’s medical laboratory.

English composition I and early childhood education preschool practicum will be offered in cooperation with the Adult Continuing Education program of Martha’s Vineyard. Information on these courses is available directly from the ACE website

Cape Cod Community College’s on-Island outreach coordinator, Tom Hallahan, is available to speak with Islanders about the college’s offerings and its student support services. Mr. Hallahan is the liaison with the main campus and provides academic advising, Accuplacer assessment testing and general information on financial aid, admissions and workforce training for Martha’s Vineyard residents enrolling in the college’s programs. His office is at the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School and he can be reached by calling 508-939-3110 or by emailing