

Cloudy days, hot and humid and now they are saying the fall weather is coming this weekend. Welcome to September. This is a personal favorite month as I love the color blue the sky is and the white billowy clouds. Happy birthday to all who celebrated their birthday this past week. I have the balloons to send out, but I do not have the school list. As you know it is a new school year and there probably are additions and subtractions to the list so I will get to it next week.

Yes, school is gearing up. I saw all the teachers at the school and I’m sure there is a lot to do before all the kids show up on Monday. I have been watching Facebook and love seeing the posts from mothers saying they hope they make it till then.

The Island is quieting down. The traffic is a little less but the college students have left and the parents have survived taking their first-year college kids to campus to drop them off. I don’t know who suffers more in those few hours — the kids who are away from home the first time or the parents who drive away knowing when they get home there will be an empty space.

Things are a little different now than when us old folks went to college. Back then you met your college roommate for the first time and knew nothing about them. Now through technology they meet over the computer and get to know each other a little before the school year starts.

It is my favorite flower time. The chrysanthemums are in and the cabbages. The mums are not all open yet as it is too early, but with the sunshine it will only take a few days for them to show their fall colors.

There is little news this week but with school activities starting and new events being planned, things will get a little busier.

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.