Last Monday night was one of our famous escargot party nights in my neighborhood. A few times each season Jim Hart kindly provides the snails and Bill and Jan Stokes lovingly cook them in butter with lots of garlic, serving them with warm bread. Floral arrangement was provided by Teri Praskach. The usual suspects — or should I say persons of interest — attended and brought cheese, crackers, salami, dips, potato chips, grapes and all kinds of sides to Bill and Jan’s deck. In attendance were Paul and Marge Howes, Jim and Trude Hart, who had wonderful tales to tell of their recent road trip, Laurie Marotta, Chris Paffendorf, Iole (Nonna) and this reporter. Oh, yes, did I tell you it was to welcome and honor Chris back for her annual stay? Chris removed to Los Lunas, N.M., four years ago but drives her red convertible across the country to visit with us every year. Nonna and I had a great time but we left early. Unfortunately, we missed the hootenanny led by Chris on her ukulele, which apparently commenced after our departure. Thank you, Bill and Jan and all good friends. Chris usually times her visits here
with her much-beloved international film festival so expertly run by Richard Paradise of the Martha’s Vineyard Film Society. I guess it was a smashing success this year because there was not a ticket to be had. All tickets were sold out online and Chris did not get to one film. Same time next year, so book early.
Visiting at the Eaton family home on Leonard Circle are Rick Koch and his wife Beth Eaton-Koch. They have had very good weather and are having a great time.
Here’s a special shout out to my good friend Liam Murphy, who is holding a bar stool for me at my favorite neighborhood pub, Dunne’s, back in my old country. Liam sent three fabulous CDs to us — Donie Carroll playing great Irish tunes, and, in special mention to Nonna, a classic Italian festival of music, as well as a CD of Italian opera arias. Thank you, Liam.
The time has come. Our monthly library book sale will be held Saturday, Sept. 21 from 1 to 3 p.m. because the library is preparing for the annual fundraiser 5K race and walk around the Chop on Sunday. Call the library to sign up. I’ll see you there.
On Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 7 p.m. hear Michael Tougias speak on his book, A Storm Too Soon: A True Story of Disaster, Survival, and an Incredible Rescue. The talk takes place in the program room at our library and is free to all. Michael describes the daring rescue of three men in a life raft by our U.S. Coast Guard personnel from a Jayhawk helicopter. The waves were 70 feet high. I’m seasick already.
On Thursday, Sept. 19 at 7 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 21 at 10:30 a.m. Professor Susan Grunthal continues with her history of opera series at the library. Pick up your materials at the front desk.
I highly recommend the annual life line screening which will be held on-Island this year at the Portuguese American Club in Oak Bluffs on Monday, Oct. 7. The team is very efficient and caring. You can get screenings for all kinds of problems from diabetes to artery troubles and aortic aneurisms. Call 800-449-2389 to make your appointment. I have had the same team members for many years and here is a special welcome to Charles A.
Confidential to Lyn K.: so much to read, so little time. Nonna was pleased to finish a delightful novel, The Patron Saint of Lost Dogs by Nick Trout. She was happy to report that there was no foul language, no sexual content, and no murders or other mayhem. It’s at our library. As a columnist I was thrilled to find book two of Headline Artists, a compilation of columnists. I actually recognized many of the writers and had read some of the columns. There’s a wide range of subjects in this. I also finished Storm Kings by Lee Sandlin, chronicling the earliest meteorologists, before it was a declared profession. It ranges from Ben Franklin on and describes some of our country’s most dangerous twisters.
I wish a happy and healthy New Year to all.
Belated anniversary bouquets go out to Woody and Phyllis Williams who celebrated on Sept. 11. Their best gift was daughter Vanessa’s law school graduation from Pace in August.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along John McCarthy, Clara Rabbitt, Tootie Strople Kieffer, Toby Wilson, Danielle Truscott, and Naromar DePaula Sr. today. Sept. 14 is shared by Lynn White and Rebecca Isabel Sherr. Sept. 15 belongs to Will Felder, Heather McElhinney and Alycelee Pigman. Sept. 16 is a party for Carolyn Snow Redington, Mary Kennedy, Dashiell Pinto Kaufman and Joalser Nascimento. Sept. 17 belongs to Joanna Elliot Riesman and Chloe Ebanks. Sept. 18 is claimed by Aaron Kasprak. And on Sept. 19 Joan Glodis and Lauren Barlosky take the cake. Many happy returns.
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