The weather last weekend was seasonal and a fair amount of tourists and homeowners came for perhaps their last weekend of the fall. Pumpkins and scarecrows are all over town. We return to Standard Time on Sunday morning so be sure to turn your clocks back an hour before you go to bed tomorrow night. If you do this, you will get to church on time in the morning.
Halloween tricks these days are on the decline. Last year just one trick or treater stopped at our house. But in the late 1940s and early 1950s, pushing Lena McNeil’s black Essex into the nearby swamp (across from the police station), uprooting the Junction sign at Brandy Brow corner and planting it in Joe Howes front lawn, stringing his wife Bessie’s cloth lines end on end and hooking them on the barn were all routine tricks that were expected to be carried out each year.
Daniel and Katie (Tyler) Whiting of West Tisbury and Celebration, Fla., were married Oct. 21 at a cabin in the Smokey Mountains of Gatlinburg, Tenn. Katie’s brother John officiated the ceremony and special friend Ashley Cockram was the photographer. Daniel’s sister Tara carefully held the flowers for her new sister in law. Kathy Tyler, mother of the bride, created a spray of fall colors throughout the cabin. Also in attendance was Bobbie Lima, mother of the groom, who shared tears of joy and pride with all. The couple were showered with fall leaves as they departed for their honeymoon in Chattanooga. Daniel and Katie are looking forward to celebrating again over the Christmas holidays with his father Danny Whiting and family.
Please make arrangements to attend the special town meeting on Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the school gym. You will be presented with a 12-article warrant. Some are housekeeping items, two deal with the new marijuana law, others are to change the treasurers position from elected to appointed and abolish the quorum call. Currently 123 votes are needed to conduct town business; this is not recommended by the finance committee. The town now has 2,468 registered voters and many people feel a quorum call is necessary and a fair way to conduct town business.
The annual meeting and election of officers and trustees of the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society will be held on the Nov. 9 at 7:30 p.m. at the Agricultural Hall on Panhandle Road. Also the Barn Raisers’ Ball will be held tomorrow night from 7:30 to 10 p.m. in the hall. The public is invited, admission is free but everyone is asked to bring a dessert to share with others.
I received a newspaper article the other day from Bruce Blackwell and Brandon Wight, former residents and friends to many. The Gainsville Sun reports that they were among the many who took part in the Pride Festival last Saturday. Bruce pushed Brandy, who is now 98, in his wheelchair around Bo Diddley Community Plaza capping a week of festivities celebrating Gainesville’s LGBT community. “We’ve been together 47 years!” Bruce said to the many passersby who stopped to take their pictures and hear their story.
Both Bruce and Brandy were originally from Rhode Island, but they met 75 miles away on the Vineyard where Brandy owned an art gallery and Bruce worked for the Nature Conservancy. Thirty-five years later, they married in a small rooftop ceremony in Vineyard Haven. “We not only lived together, we worked together,” said Bruce. There was a lot of celebrity buzz in that business. Customers included John Belushi, Walter Cronkite and Bill Clinton, to whom they gave a copy of the Declaration of Independence printed on cloth from the 1800s.
Linda Alley of New Lane Sundries reports that the Winter Farmers’ Market will be held tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Agricultural Hall. Come and enjoy the many vendors and see what they have to offer. She says now is the time to order your Thanksgiving pies and turkeys.
Happy birthday to Rob Ranney, Peter Damico, Laurie Larson, Jacob Lawrence and Hermine Hull today, Cherilla Brown, Doug Kent, Ken Leuchtenmacher, and Elizabeth Bouck tomorrow; Suzanne Howes, Charlene Douglas, Lucy Mayhew, Gail Rowe, Sarah Rubick and Carey Rosenthal on Sunday; Sarah Monast, Norm Perry, Sharon O’Neil, Maggie Chianese and Mike Lynch on Monday; Steve Pietruska, David Sprague, Arron Metell and John Mansfield on Tuesday; Dawn Feinsmith, Peter Huntington, Judy Jaries, Pat Waring and Marian Irving on Wednesday; James Barton and Vickie Thurber on Wednesday and Olivia Gross, Janice Rattet, Vickie Thurber and James Barton on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Frankie Flanders, David Sample and Lisa Nagy.
A trivia fact to use at your next social gathering: Today the Combined Japanese Fleet receives Top-Secret Order No. 1: In just 37 days, Pearl Harbor is to be bombed, along with Malaya, the Dutch East Indies, and the Philippines.
Well, that is all of the news for this week’s social column. If you have any news please email me at Don’t forget to turn your clocks back an hour tomorrow night. Have a great week.
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