Chilmark welcomes the new year with the same demeanor it always has . . . a sort of deadpan look of being the same though different from the preceding years. We look sort of the same and feel sort of the same but of course we are all changed from the year before, and that is the way it goes. Cheers to us all for a healthy new year.

Personally, we experienced a sensory overload this past week of family visits and celebrations. All the senses and most of the emotions were challenged as we enjoyed it all. The laughter of the grandchildren, the suspense of the football games, the early morning breakfasts for the hunters, the mixed emotions of having two harvested deer hanging from our lower deck, the never-ending ding of the stove timer telling us more food was ready for eating, the sadness in hearing that our friend Bud Mayhew was still at a Boston hospital, the crunch of the frozen sand on our annual beach walk, the continuing sounds of the boathouse construction, and, the pleasure of watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s one more time. How’s that for a quick pic of a Chilmark holiday week?

We noted that there were many seasonal houses with lights telling us we had neighbors for the holiday. We know that one neighbor had a surprise visit from his daughter, who flew in from Nashville to happily surprise the family.

I am happy to report that Chilmark seasonal residents Paul and Diane Kretschmann and their daughter Kate and her husband Paul Lederer enjoyed feasting at the Fish and Rose in Manhattan last week. It was the pop-up restaurant in an empty subway station that the Beach Plum Inn and Beetlebung Farm folks put together for a three-week run. So glad to know it drew some familiar faces

The Haiti Peace Quilts mission will benefit from the monies raised by the folks at the Federated Church in Edgartown who are presenting their All Church Cabaret on Jan. 11 at 7:30 p.m. Peter Boak will be at the piano and there will be solos, duets and more. Jay Banks will be the master of ceremonies and all are invited. The $15 admission will include refreshments.

Monday Night Movies return to the Chilmark Public Library for the winter months. The first movie will be Funny Face from 1957. Movies begin at 7 p.m. and include free popcorn and drinks. Admission is also free. All thanks to the Friends of the Chilmark Library.

The selectmen’s suggested plan for the improvement of conditions at the Squibnocket Beach are available for your information at the town website or at the town hall. Be sure to be informed as it will impact us all, even if we don’t use the beach. Surely, many have tenants who will.

New Year’s resolutions are due this week. Please include the sending of your news items to me at . . . thanks!