The weather has been all over the map. First it’s bitter cold with some snow and then mild with a generous amount of rain. If the unusual weather pattern this winter holds, now it’s time for another frigid blast and snow. The line at the up-Island gas station was long most of Sunday, with people taking advantage of the special fuel price.
Elton Nascimento and his wife Sarah Monast of Old Courthouse Road will return home tonight after spending nearly a month in Brazil. Elton reports enjoying the trip but will be happy to get back home. We hope to have some snow for them so they can see what we’ve had to endure.
Elizabeth Oliver reports that the West Tisbury School’s fourth grade theatre project is offering two community performances of their original production, Shakespeare Strikes Back, tonight at 6 p.m. and tomorrow at 4:30 p.m. Both performances will be at the Chilmark Community Center. Admission is free, but please consider bringing a food item for the food pantry.
The Agricultural Hall meeting room was filled beyond capacity last Saturday afternoon with people attending the memorial service for Howard Wall.
Phyllis Meras of Music street returned home Sunday night after a business trip to the mainland. She visited with Sal Laterra in Providence.
Beth Kramer, director of the West Tisbury library, suggests that you join the library’s winter poetry workshop every Tuesday beginning Feb. 18 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. through March 25. The library will host a free poetry workshop for intermediate and advanced writers taught by poet extraordinaire Donald Nitchie. The class will focus primarily on critique. Writing prompts will be thrown in on occasion. It is limited to six participants. Priority will be given to people already on the poetry workshop waiting list. You can preregister at the library or via email top
Cynthia Riggs reports that everyone is invited to the 26th annual Groundhog Day celebration on Tuesday, Feb. 2, from 5 to 7 p.m. at Cleaveland House on Edgartown Road. All are welcome. Bring your favorite hors d’ouvres if you’d like, but that’s not a requirement. Parking will be in the west pasture and can be easily reached if you take the first left as you turn down New Lane Road. For more information, call her at 508-693-9352.
Tomorrow the 28th annual WMVY Big Chili Contest is the place to be to warm up on a chilly day. Get out your recipe or just come to sample all the many different kinds of chili. It will be held from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Portuguese American Club in Oak Bluffs.
Jonathan Revere died Sunday evening in a Boston hospital. He had suffered a heart attack a week ago. He was active in town affairs, was a board member and camera man for MVTV, volunteering hundreds of hours of service to them. He was also a member of the town finance committee. Our condolences to his sister and his many friends.
Jennifer Fragosa, aquatics director at the Mansion House, reports that if Vineyarders are interested in a great summer job or want to add another skill to their resume, the Mansion House Health Club offers American Red Cross Life Saving certification. She will supervise the pretest on Feb. 2 at 3 p.m. Register now to get trained to be a certified lifeguard for waterfront locations. The course meets at Mansion House pool from 6 to 9 p.m. several times in February and March. Call her at 508-693-2200 for complete information.
On the night of Jan. 22, 1951 the home of George and Lillian Magnuson of Edgartown Road was bulging at it’s seams as 43 people attended a penny auction put on by the home and community service committee of the Grange for the benefit of the March of Dimes. George Magnuson and John Forbes, master of the Grange, were the auctioneers and were assisted by Natalie Vincent and Alma Benson. Home-cooked foods were auctioned off after the penny sale. Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mary Seiberlich and Alma. The sale raised $63, the largest single sum ever collected for the charity.
Happy birthday to Elaine Russell, Zack Wiesner, Lewis Waring and Anja Thompson today; Abigail Higgins, Tony Omer, Mitchell Gordon, Jackson McBride and Liane Thomas tomorrow; Harold Lawry, Melissa Clay, Karen Coffey, Susan Oken, Clara Marshall and Edward Sylvia on Sunday; Kristen Zern, Tim Mathiesen, Susan Sigel, Taggart Young and Tom Engley on Monday; Susannah Tilton-Clancy, Jamie Alley, Abigail Stanwood and John Barkin on Tuesday; Janice Ovios, Joshua Rich, Pamela Speir and Charlotte Cole on Wednesday; Adele Schonbrun, Dr. Charles Silberstein, Wanda Myers, Jack Wilson and Tallia Emily Annese on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Catherine Deese.
Here’s a trivia item that could come in handy at your next social gathering: Our Market in Oak Bluffs received its first shipment of Krueger’s canned beer and ale 79 years ago Monday. Krueger was the first brewery to produce beer in cans. This new method of marketing their product was an instant success.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.
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