The Slipaway Farm welcome back party and pig roast was a huge success. Over 225 attendees feasted on pulled pork by Local Smoke and frittatas made with farm eggs and vegetables straight from the Slipaway fields. The first CSA pickup is scheduled for Wednesday, June 18, from 2:30 to 6 p.m. Meanwhile, the farm stand will be open Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The second-to-last potluck of the season will be hosted by Dana Guyer and Carlos Tilghman-Osborne at the Chappy Community Center on Wednesday, June 4. We start with appetizers and conversation at 6 p.m. with dinner at 6:30. The discussions get livelier as summer approaches and more folks arrive.
The CCC begins the summer season with a tai chi class lead by Tom Pardee on Monday, June 3, with classes continuing through the summer on Mondays and Fridays from 9 to 10 a.m. The class is held outdoors, so it’s weather permitting. Mac Lady, aka Melissa Kagan, will begin her iPhone and iCloud instructional classes on Friday, June 6, at 9 a.m. See the CCC calendar online or on the porch for further information. You have a whole month to read William Landay’s novel, the suspenseful legal thriller Defending Jacob. Then you can participate in the discussion on Thursday, June 26, at 10:30 a.m. lead by Margaret Mullen.
The following is a news release from the group that is dedicated to bringing Comcast to Chappy:
The clock is ticking and this is our chance to get what we have been asking for. I am sending my check in today. How about you?
By now, anyone who had sent in a commitment letter for Comcast last year should have received a letter stating the cost for installation. On the bottom of that letter is a form to fill out and send in with your payment.
If you did not receive a form or if you did not send in a commitment letter but would still like to sign up for Comcast service, please contact the group at You can also use this address to send in other requests or questions concerning the process.
For those of you who received the installation letter, hopefully you have already sent in your payment. If not, please read the following carefully. July 21st was the original deadline for us to have 270 people financially committed to the Comcast service. To be financially committed you need to send in your check in the amount on your installation letter. We are asking people to send those checks in now. If you are uncomfortable with allocating those funds right now, please feel free to post date your check to July 20, 2014. Please send your check with the bottom half of the letter to: Selectmen’s Office, Attn: Pam Dolby — Confidential, Town of Edgartown, P.O. Box 5158, Edgartown, MA 02539. By sending it to the town you will receive a receipt to notify you that you have completed the process. This will also give the group a running count of how close we are to the 270 minimum.
Last October we had over 290 households committed to signing up with Comcast. We know that for some the install prices may be an issue, for others the issue of the cost of services may be a problem. We encourage you to ask us any questions you may have and to go on to Comcast and look at the introductory pricing for bundled services. We have seen significant costs savings for bundled services over what many of us pay now for internet, TV, and phone. This is our chance now to have access to a more modern communications infrastructure for Chappy. Sending in your check now will avoid the scramble to meet the deadline in the coming months. Together we can help each other for the good of the community. Please email us at with any questions.
Thanks to Woody Filley for putting the above information together.
By now everyone has heard from other sources about the vehicle that plunged into the harbor on Memorial Day. Though there was potential for more harm, the only real damage was an easily repaired gate at the ferry ramp and a now very rusty pickup truck. On the positive side, the harbor master, firemen, police and EMTs had the opportunity for a very realistic rescue drill. Our community now has an increased awareness and insight into the sometimes overwhelming challenges that face some of our neighbors and our families.
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