Chilmark welcomes August and all the folks arriving this week for their month in the sun. It was a quick goodbye to our annual July friends — did we actually catch a moment with them, or was it just a quick greeting? At this point in summer, a lot of things are sliding by too quickly. Always the complaint, no hope of changing things! Anyway, August will bring us more visits from family, friends and vacationers and plenty of activities still in the works to keep us entertained.

Please note the change in parking for the nightly sunset watching. There will be no parking on the hillside leading into Menemsha. There will be ample parking available at no charge at the Refuse Center on Tabor House Road. Signs will lead you to it. From there, a shuttle bus will run back and forth to the beach parking lot from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. This change is intended to take the challenge out of the sunset event. Our narrow road was overwhelmed with cars and pedestrians on good nights. Surely all will appreciate the safer travel.

Congratulations to Bill and Susan Shanok who are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary this summer and enjoying visits from their children. Sarah Shanok of Brooklyn is here with guest Johnny Kitchens and their daughter Tory, husband Will and children Emma and Katie will join them. The Shanoks enjoyed an extensive trip in Asia this past fall in celebration of their anniversary. Cheers from us all!

Andy Goldman enjoyed a July visit from his cousins Albert and Frances Bailey and John and Rox Goldman, all of Rochester, N.Y. They spent some time fishing with Andy.

Speaking of fishing, we had plenty of fish and related meals at our house in July thanks to the fishing successes of son Caleb and his wife Chris and daughter Celia. We were sorry to see them off to their real life in Northbridge. Here now are Aaron and Sarah Bennett with our grandsons, Jack and Scott. More summer fun in the works.

Don and Nancy Mae Hurley of Lloyd Harbor, N.Y., are at their Quitsa home this month and were happy to have a visit from their daughter Courtney, husband Tim and daughter, 8-year-old Katie. Also visiting was Rocket, a golden retriever who considers himself a member of the family. They all came from Hanover, N.H.

Bill and Zee Gamson were happy to have their son, Josh, his husband, Richard Knight, and their two daughters, Reba who is 8 and Maddy, almost 5, visit Chilmark after coming east to attend a wedding at Columbia University. It was a quick summer visit that included all the important stuff: hugs with grandparents, swimming, eating and the usual games. The family returned to California Sunday.

Now to alert you to all the goings on around town for your August amusements. First, make sure you are free to attend the annual Chilmark Firemen’s Backyard Bash, August 6 from 5 to 8 p.m. It’s one of the most fun events of summer. Great food, music, silent auctions, T-shirts, fire trucks to climb on and lots of room to run around.

Leslie Posterman will offer a poetry writing workshop on August 3 from 10 a.m. to noon at the Martha’s Vineyard d Hebrew Center in Vineyard Haven. Leslie is a longtime Chilmark seasonal resident. All are welcome to attend at no cost.

The Chilmark library invites us all to the Wednesday, August 6, program, Mastering Running — Run Your Best at Age 30 and Beyond. Boston University professor Cathy Utzschneider has written a guide for runners of all ages. She began running at the age of 40 and is now ranked fifth in the world in her age group. Her program is one hour, beginning at 5 p.m. There is no charge and all are welcome.

Please remember that the Chilmark Historical Commission’s annual event will be a talk by well-known author Henry Adams about the art of Thomas Hart Benton on August 13 at the Chilmark library at 5 p.m. The following morning, Thursday, August 14, there will be an open house at Oversouth Antiques in Menemsha from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. when Mr. Adams will review works by Benton and others of his era, all free to the public. For more information, please call Jane at 508-645-3378.

The Author Lecture series continues at the Chilmark Community Center. This week, on Sunday, August 3, Andre Dubus III will speak about his book, Dirty Love, and on Thursday, August 7, Ron Suskind will discuss his book, Life, Animated.

The Yard has many things planned. Check them out at

The Chilmark Community Church continues to offer lobster rolls on Tuesdays from 4 to 7 p.m., and the twice a week flea markets are on North Road in the Jenkinson Field.

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