Is this significant? This is our second month in a row with a Friday the 13th. I prefer to think of it as good luck. As I struggle to become more adept on the computer I am leaving a trail of laughing friends on Islanders Talk, among them Kara Best and Hunter Thomas. I made some mistakes last week. Kara felt the need to apologize for me in public for being such a dinosaur. She promises to teach me the intricacies of Facebook when we next meet. I was able to finally get in touch with good buddy Angela Cywinski. Angela is cluing me in on the property on Pine street which is up for redevelopment and the neighbors aren’t pleased. Attend any town meetings for me and keep me in the loop, please.
You can join your neighbors and host Jamie Alley at the Martha’s Vineyard Playhouse next Monday night, 7:30 p.m., to view Jupiter’s Darling for a mere $5 cash at the door. This is the reworking of a Robert Sherwood anti-war play titled the Road to Rome. I hope by then there is no trace of snow to mar your evening travels to the playhouse.
On Tuesday, March 17, — oh, yes, here comes St. Patrick’s Day again — Betty Burton invites you to the program room of our library at 7 p.m. for a free talk by Elliott Dacher, MD, on the meeting of science and spirit, implications for health and healing. What I love about Islanders is that we keep learning all year long.
How quickly the Slow Food annual Farmers’ Brunch comes around! All are invited to participate this Sunday, March 15, at the Chilmark Community Center. There will be four speakers, raffles, and a concentration this year on discussing GMOs. Admission is $10 for members, $12 for nonmembers. Tickets are available at
You know the weather wreaked havoc with our plans. Mark your calendars for Saturday, March 21, when the new Veterans Outreach Program of our MVCS has rescheduled an important conference on traumatic brain injury. There will be an expert panel open for questions
and discussion after the presentation of signs, symptoms, and treatments available. Lunch will be provided, but please RSVP Julie Meader at 508-693-7900 extension 223 or contact her at
Great news from our far-flung former friends now living in Maine. Mark and Lucy DiTerlizzi are pleased and proud to announce that daughter Pia DiTerlizzi is engaged to Brian Clement of Maine. The couple will wed in July 2015.
As I recover here in my Old Country and have a lot of time to play with my computer (we are frenemies) I was startled and pleased to receive a friend request from Michael Manfredi, now on-Island but from White Plains. Changes in Vineyard Haven, Mike? You should see the changes in our old stomping ground! I’ll see you in May.
I must offer condolences to the son and daughter, Stephen and Deborah and their families, of a scintillating man, Alfred (Al) Urban who died on March 7. Al ran the local True Value hardware store here on Mamaroneck avenue for so many years. Al had served in the Army and was so friendly, efficient, and helpful that I think Nonna and I would be living in a hovel if it weren’t for his input and timely advice on our repair problems at home. Best of all, Al was one of the funniest people I ever met. I shall miss him greatly, as will all his family, friends and customers.
Belated anniversary bouquets go out to Mark and Lucy DiTerlizzi who celebrated 30 years of wedded bliss on March 10.
The birthday bandwagon pulls along Mary Ann Donnelly and Jeff Corr on Friday. March 14 is a party for Keena Stuart, Todd Araujo and triplets Duncan, Alex and Nicky Schilcher. March 15 shines on Tami Hersh, Allie Weisman and Jib Ellis. March 16 is claimed by Brigette Tesson, Sarah McDonald, Kyle Carter and Brianna DeOliveria. March 17 honors Manlio Jannace, Marc Natichioni and Julio Sila in addition to St. Patrick. March 18 is shared by John Franzago, Christopher Kennedy and Zachary Lawrence Donald. And on March 19, Bert Wohl takes the cake. Many happy returns.
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