Well, spring has arrived so they say, but last Friday it was miserably cold and it snowed. The spring flowers are hard to find, but many birds are back. We should be so lucky as to see the grass, never mind what color it is. Cardinals were at the feeder all day Sunday. We all thought Jack Frost would take an earlier vacation but he has been hanging in there and seems quite comfortable.

A huge crowd turned out for the first anniversary of the West Tisbury library on Sunday. Susan Block reported that it was a swell time and the piano recitals were splendid.

Doug Pease reports that holy week on the Christian calendar starts this Sunday with the Palm Sunday observance. The First Congregational Church will be busy all week preparing for Easter. Thursday night there will be a tenebrae service led by the board of deacons. Then a traditional Easter service at the church begins at 9 a.m. and there is an 11 a.m. service at the Agricultural Hall, which is followed by an Easter egg hunt for the children. The Rev. Cathlin Baker will lead the congregation.

Charlie Kernick and his wife Stevie of Edgartown Road returned home Wednesday after a lengthy vacation down south. Charlie reports that they had a wonderful time and are looking forward to tilling and planting the garden.

Saturday morning from 10 a.m. to noon there will be a rabies clinic at the fire station across from Conroy’s. Joan Jenkinson will be on hand dispensing dog licenses. If you haven’t gotten yours by now, this would be a great opportunity to do so.

Town clerk Tara Whiting reminds voters that the town meeting is April 14 at 7 p.m. in the school gym. The town election is April 16, with the polling hours from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Public Safety Building. Absentee ballots are available for those who cannot make it to the polls. If you have any questions, call Tara at 508-696-0148. Voters will face a lengthy 48-article warrant that may take two nights to finish. There are no contested offices on the election ballot this year, but there will be four override questions to decide.

Eleanor Neubert reports that the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society will hold its annual potluck supper and social Saturday night at the hall on Panhandle Road. A social hour precedes the dinner at 7 p.m. They remind you to bring a dish for six and your own place setting.

Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum library join curators in a hands-on workshop on how to properly care for your own personal collections. You will learn the basics of proper handling, storage materials, environmental controls and more to ensure that your family’s history will continue to be cherished. Attendees are invited to bring specific items they have questions about with them. Reservations are required, so call 508-627-4441 extension 110. The fee is $20 per person. On Easter Sunday, in collaboration with the Harbor View Hotel, the museum invites families to participate in an Easter egg hunt on the grounds of the hotel stretching down to the Edgartown Lighthouse. The lighthouse will be open during the hunt from 10 a.m. to noon.

Amy Hoff reports that the library will host its annual spring egg hunt on Saturday, April 4, at 10 a.m. After the hunt, they’ll offer a family craft for ages three and up. For tweens and teens, there’s the chance to decorate eggs with the new EggBot, a compact, easy to use open-source art robot that can draw on spherical or egg-shaped objects.

Happy birthday to Laura Murphy, Kevin Peters, Jackie Flynn-Morgan, Brenda Hayden and Thelma Baganaha today; Jennifer Knight, Warren Mead, Holly Wayman and Ken Hurd tomorrow; Charles Deary, Irene Fox, Arthur Marx and Larry Greenburg on Sunday; Andrew Nelson, Jodi Sherman,

Pat Fitzpatrick and Donna Paulock on Monday; Linda Gandel, Nancy Cole, Mary Keenan, Lori Ionnitiu and Robert Berosh on Tuesday; Joe Cataloni, Alison Barrett, Claudia Taylor, Mickey Stone and Bob Woodruff on Wednesday, and to Joan Huston, Randi Sylvia, Jane Burchill and John Stanwood on Thursday. Belated birthday wishes to Liz Hobbins and June Manning.

Well, that is all of the social news for this edition. Please call or e-mail me with news that you wish to share. Have a great week.

Send your West Tisbury news to: alleys@vineyard.net.