Well, the Easter weather during the day was sunny but quite cool for this time of the year. Sometimes at night you can hear the pinkletinks around the Mill Pond, also the pond must have been stocked with trout because fishing activity by all ages has dramatically increased. All good signs that spring is upon us. The church was full for Easter services and many families gathered for Easter dinner.
Wednesday is the last time to file your tax return with the federal and state governments. There used to be long lines at the post office with folks getting their returns postmarked before the deadline, but now you can file them online in a snap and save a lot of time.
Kendall Gifford Miller, of Athens, Ohio, was here earlier this week. He no doubt was opening up the house and preparing to plant his garden.
This is a very busy political week for the town. The annual town meeting is Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the school gym. Voters will be debating a 48-article warrant. Paddy Moore reports that Bea Phear, Rise Terney, and other volunteers from the Healthy Aging Task Force are preparing for the town meeting by talking to people about a very important item on the warrant called First Stop. If approved by voters in all Island towns, First Stop will be an information and referral website, staffed by a real live human being, to provide comprehensive information for Island elders, their families, caregivers on and off-Island, and Island service providers. Designed to close the current information gap, it will help elders get the information about everything they might need. Call Bea Phear or Paddy if you have questions.
Amy Hoff over at the library reports that Friday night at 7 p.m. David Stanwood will give a concert that will feature his own personal style of improvised piano music on the library’s Rosewood Steinway. On Saturday, April 11, from 10 a.m. to noon, Doug Brush will be overseeing the library’s first drop-in chess club. All levels are welcome and chess boards are provided. Chess club is free and open to the public. On Sunday at 3 p.m. the library will host its semi-annual community poetry reading. This event features community members reading their own poems and/or the poems of others. Help keep the tradition alive by attending as a reader, a listener or both. As always, numbers will be drawn from a hat to determine the reading order.
Lynne Ditchfield reports that on Tuesday in the Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School library from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. you are invited to celebrate Latin American History Month and post-International Women’s History Month as ACE MV offers a presentation titled Eyewitness Report From the Border Update: Women and Children in Detention with a photography exhibition of Guatemala by local photographer and South Mountain architect Derrill Bazzy, and social justice projects from the spring session Fitchburg State University arts, education and social justice graduate course.
Tomorrow will be the 23rd annual VCS Earth Day Beach Clean-up. Go to your favorite beach from 10 a.m. to noon, and volunteers will be on hand with what you need — but bring your own gloves and bags if you have them. Celebrate Earth Day and make a difference by helping to clean up our beaches. Be sure to visit the Harbor View Hotel around noon for a great after-party.
History note: On April 12, 1945 President Franklin D. Roosevelt passed away at his retreat in Warm Springs, Ga., in the early afternoon. That night the Grange held a special meeting in the Agricultural Hall and immediately after it was opened, they held a short but impressive memorial service for the late president, who had been a Granger for 31 years. He was a seventh degree member and possessor of a Silver Star certificate denoting 25 years of continuous membership. The service was conducted by Miss Elizabeth Manter assisted by two assistant stewards, Lillian Magnuson and Mrs. Warren Armitage. A picture of the late president was draped with the Grange memorial ribbon. An original poem written by Emma Mayhew Whiting especially for the occasion was read by the master, Maud Call. George Magnuson sang Lead, Kindly Light and the service concluded with the Lord’s Prayer.
Happy birthday to Ike Russell, James Ferry, Heidi Pachico, John Aliamo, and Ilikea Scott on Friday; Sally Sherwood, Linda Swanson, Lindsey Lee, Donna Michalski and Kristin Buck on Saturday; Carmen Wilson, Max Jasny, Mary Horowitz and John Hoff on Sunday; Prudy Whiting, Sarah Rivers, Nathan Thompson, Deborah Eggers and Tony Higgins on Monday; Gina Solon, Joe Capobianco, Diane Nolan and Marion Ellis on Tuesday; Debbie Magnuson, Don Luce, Joanne Scott, Ann Bresnick and James Brodeur on Wednesday, and Janet Bank, Linda Vadasz, Nancy Clair, Ted Kramm and Kimberly Angell on Thursday.
Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or email me. Have a great week.
Send your West Tisbury news to: alleys@vineyard.net.
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