Coat on, coat off. That seems to be the way the weather has been working these past few days. The wind has not helped that situation but we will take the sunshine and the warmer weather.

Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Big balloons go out to Harrison Lazarus, who celebrated his day May 9, Alexandra Guerero, May 12, Summer Cardoza and Avelly Ontoni on May 13, and to Russell Coogan and Maria Roa Sanchez who celebrated May 14.

Congratulations go out to Michael and Patty Gazaille who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on May 12. That is a great feat these days and they have raised three great children. Congratulation to you both and here is to many more years together.

Congratulations and best wishes to Jeff Donaroma and Gislaine Barboza who were united in marriage on May 10 by Reverend John Schule at the Chapel in the Meadow that was built by Rev. Schule.

It was a great day and those attending the wedding were Michael and Janice Donaroma and Alessandro and Julia Barboza and their three children, Josiah, Haile and Taj. We are all so happy for you both and wish you many happy years together.

I have to say congratulations to our new Chief of Police David Rossi and to Lieutenant Chris Dolby. Both men are great choices to protect and serve our town. I worked with Dave for many summers at the police station and he always handled every case professionally and with fairness. Chris has a very special place in my heart as Ralph and I watched him grow into a fine young man and a wonderful husband and father. I am very happy for both men.

Well Lily Pulitzer has left the town. Pink and Green weekend seemed to be a success. There were many happy people, both young and old, leaving Donaroma's Friday night and the weekend continued on with many activities from wine tasting to a dog show with dogs of all sizes sporting pink and green.

Felix Neck needs birders and sponsors to participate in Mass Audubon’s 32nd year of birding competition. Birders and donors raise money for Felix Neck Wildlife Sanctuary and its programs by getting pledges per number of bird species seen or by making a donation to the Felix Neck team.

The 24-hour competition starts at 6 p.m. on Friday, May 15, and runs through 6 p.m. on Saturday, May 16. But you don’t have to participate the entire time, rotating shifts among teammates is encouraged! The 24-hour timetable allows flexibility in schedules and the chance to locate nocturnal birds.

Even if you can’t join a team, you can still participate by pledging money to a team member for each bird species recorded during the 24-hour event. If 20 people collected 10 pledges, each at 10 cents a species, and if the sanctuary sees 200 species, the sanctuary raises $4,000 to help protect wildlife on Martha’s Vineyard. To join a team, make a pledge or donation, or find out more, contact Felix Neck at 508-627-4850 or visit

Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.

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