The weekend was warm. Lawn mowers could be heard buzzing most everywhere in town and the weather perfect for outside chores. After church many people had an opportunity to go to the beach for the first time—Lambert’s Cove was pleasantly crowded—or visited Aquinnah to witness the successfully-moved Gay Head Lighthouse. On Monday, it was so cool many people built a fire that evening to take the chill off. I want to thank Charlie Kernick for pinch hitting for me over at the post office on Saturday and Tuesday. His wife said he had the extra time because his garden is all planted for the season.
Linda Alley, the homemade jelly queen of the Island, reports that the first Farmers’ Market of the year will be held Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at the Grange Hall. Andrea Rodgers reports that the 18th annual artisans festivals begin Sunday, June 14.
Grandsons Henry and Robert Hambardzumian and their parents Nicole and Arsen of East Taunton visited us last week. Robert and Henry got to check out the chickens, pigs and sheep at Whiting farm, feed Katharine Long’s chickens, go to the beach, the playground at least twice each day, and the Flying Horses They seemed to have a good time in totally new territory and plan to return before the Fourth of July. So Grandma and Grandpa need to catch up on their rest.
Brin Rosenthal, of San Diego, Calif. announced her engagement to Tom Weber at a party on Saturday. Brin also graduated from Princeton on Monday with a Ph.D. in physics The party was attended by Blake Rosenthal and her significant other Ray Duer of Berkeley, Calif., Brin’s mother Abby, her aunts Sara Rosenthal, Julie Prazich, and KC Woodring of Steelville, Pa., Tom’s mother Wendy, Mackenna Woodring and Zak Persing of Boston and Philadelphia, Larry and Jean Parsons of Princeton, N.J., Irene Sullivan, Betty Brugger, Anna and Sam Alley, Hunter Mormon and Leslie Gray, Tim and Eileen Maley, Naomi and Ava Plakins of Philadelphia and at least two dozen others. Congratulations on all counts!
On Friday a private memorial service was held at the West Tisbury cemetery for Brin and Blake’s father, Dr. C.M. Rosenthal, and their grandma and grandpa Ivan and Virginia Rosenthal. A memorial concert “Remembering the Rosenthals” was held in their honor on Sunday at the library, within earshot of the Rosenthal house where they played the piano and clarinet every summer. It was presented by the Music Street musicians to a full house.
Bob Luskin and his wife Charlotte Fallon have returned to their Edgartown Road home for the season. Her daughter Natalie is with them for the summer. Bob’s son Cass recently graduated from college.
The West Tisbury School fifth grade class is holding a cow chip bingo fundraiser for their Shenandoah trip. A cow will be turned loose at Flat Point Farm Saturday morning at 10 a.m. The fenced-in field will be marked off in 100 numbered squares. The cow determines the winner by making its first “deposit” on one of the squares. Each square is sold for $50 with the winner taking home $1,000 Participants do not need to be present to win. If you are interested in purchasing a square contact Liz Oliver at 508-939-0616.
Remember beach stickers will go on sale next Friday at the parks and recreation shed at the West Tisbury school from 9 a.m. until noon daily with extended hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday from 4 to 7 p.m. Any questions call 508-696-0147. The stickers will be required beginning the 20th.
Amy Hoff, over at the library, reports that the League of Women Voters will sponsor a forum at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at the library on Pricing Carbon to Combat Climate Change: Legislation that Works. At 3 p.m. Paul Magid will talk about his new book The Gray Fox: George Crook and the Indian.
Doug Pease reports that the First Congregational Church’s 27th annual Strawberry Festival will be on held on Saturday, June 20 from noon to 4 p.m. It has become a popular family and community event. For more information call 508-693-2842. The festival will be hosted indoors in the event of inclement weather.
In June of 1954 the building boom in town continued to mushroom. First, the Sam Thompson barn was moved across Old County Road and renovated into living quarters, then Mrs. Marian Kelsey, of Hamburg, Conn., purchased the barn and adjoining lot from Mabel Johnson of Edgartown Road, She planned to turn it into her home much like the recent Maley and Young barn conversions. Construction began on another summer home on Old County Road, a Cape Cod style cottage for Mrs. Margaret Young of Morrisville, N.Y. on land purchased from Mrs. Albert Carman of Poughkeepsie. Lumber from the former Santos house on Music street will be used in the construction of Mrs. Young’s home. Her neighbor, Mrs. Carman, is also having a large addition put onto her house. Daniel Manter is the contractor for all of the building jobs. Phyllis Smith had the kitchen wing of the former Canary Cottage moved to her property and will be using it as a summer camp on her land off of New Lane.
Happy birthday to: Dale Julier, Margery Meltzer, Mona Rosenthal, Mary Wirtz and Jean Powers Friday, Jen Wool (a significant milestone), Ernie Barrett, Mary French, Dorothy Gregory, Robert Moore and Wanda Higgins Saturday, Cheryl Grimes, Darcy Neago, Hilby Mitchell, Andrea Hartman, Steve Berlucchi, and Ryan Pesch on Sunday, Ben Bilzerian, John Powers, Susanna Sturgis, Judith Tucker and Melinda Brodsky on Monday, Woollcott Smith, Sheila Shapiro, Alysse Fischer, Katherine Walsh, Jodi Belair, Ariana Binney and Josh Gothard on Tuesday, Susan Safford, Trevor Marzbanian, Anh Ho, Nathan Larsen, Susan Kennedy and Milo D’Antonio on Wednesday, Mary Lu Hough, Dick Pilibosian, Minor Knight, Joan Mancuso, Cyrus Breese and Daniel Maiore on Thursday, Belated birthday greetings to Beth McElhiney, Mary Jane Pease, Becky Baxter, and Simi Horwitz.
Well that is all of the social news for this edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Friday is the 71st anniversary of D-Day. People had heard limited radio reports during the day of the action of the Allies. In the evening General Dwight D. Eisenhower gave a full report to the nation.
Congratulations to all of the high school seniors graduating soon. Have a great week.
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