The Edgartown School has announced its honor roll for the fourth quarter of the 2014-2015 school year.
Eighth grade high honors: Warner Hess, Hollis Kelly, Victoria Scott, and Emma Searle.
Eighth grade honors: Benny Binder, Matheus Brito, Summer Cardoza, Hunter Cleary, Mariah Donahue, Meghan Delphous, Andres Garcia, John Habekost, Heather Kirwin, Raven McCormack, Brendan Morris, Matt Morris, Jillian Pyden, Gabby Wilbur.
Seventh grade high honors: Catherine Cherry, Lukas Fenske, Julia Gomes, Kenny Hatt, Caitlin McHugh, Molly Pogue, Paige Pogue, Spencer Pogue, Hanna Rabasca, and Joseph Serpa.
Seventh grade honors: Wyatt Belisle, Lauren Boyd, Gaby Carlos-Silva, Anthony Chick, Emily Gazzaniga, Devin Hill, Caroline Hurley, Jovanna Lowell-Bettencourt, Harrison Neville Arena, Jackson Pachico, Jackie Pizzano, Kyle Rollins, Juan Sanchez-Roa, and Tommy Sykes.
Sixth grade high honors: Parker Ben David, Tristan Blair, William Brugueire, Ethan Creato, Matthew D’Andrea, Ellie Dolby, Kylie Estrella, Michael Johnson, Amanda Moraes, Avery Simmons, Meg Sykes, and Kasey Varkonda.
Sixth grade honors: Dylan Burke, David Butkowsky, Colleen Carroll, Kylie Fauteaux, Eli Gundersen, Desiree London, Brant Maynard, Ruby Mercier, Marina Nunes, Danielle Oteri, Katie Purda, Ana Clara Ribeiro, Deborah Silvz, Annabelle Thomas and Zachary Ward.
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