The next potluck at the Chappy Community Center is scheduled for Wednesday, Oct. 21. Judy Buss and Paul Cardello will be the hosts with appetizers beginning at 6 p.m. and dinner at 6:30. All are welcome. Bring a dish for six.
As you know, Chappaquiddick has not been connected to Martha’s Vineyard for the past couple of weeks. Norton Point washed out back on September 30 during a southeasterly gale. Your guess is as good as mine as to when it will close up again. But it seems to me that the new opening will have to go through the same migration process as the previous breach. The Norton Point spit only reattaches to Chappaquiddick Island when it reaches the north-south currents of Muskeget Channel. There isn’t a whole lot of beach building material being delivered by the South Beach longshore currents right now. I studied earth science with Mr. Defeo at MVRHS way back in 1966. I may not have the proper credentials to formulate a hypothesis but my own personal observation is that the rate of erosion at the Gay Head and Wequobsque Cliffs during the summer must not have been sufficient to supply Norton Point with enough sand to keep the connecting dry land bridge healthy.
Just before the breach closed last spring on April Fool’s Day Norton Point made a headlong dash toward the rocky corner of Wasque. That hasty growth made for a low and very narrow strip of beach connecting the two islands. That tenuous narrow strip did not get any wider or much higher over the summer months. Summer time is normally beach-strengthening season. During high tides the surf washed over it without adding to its bulk. Rather it got weaker and finally a falling storm tide breached it. The breach seems to be growing ever wider.
So given that the only vehicle access to Chappy is by ferry you make ask why we continue to use the “pay each way” fare system. The reason is that we want to keep the same system in place so that when the breach closes we won’t have to get used to it all over again.
Just a reminder that when the derby ends, two things will happen at the Chappy Ferry. Winter schedule will begin and only one ferryboat will be in service.
Saturday, Oct. 17 is the last day of the summer schedule. The next day, Sunday, Oct. 18 is the first day of the winter schedule. Instead of running continuously until midnight, the ferry shuts down at 8 p.m.. Then it runs again from 9 to 10 p.m and then from 11 to 11:15 p.m.
Also on or about Oct. 18 the ferryboat On Time 3 will be taken out of service for Coast Guard inspection and maintenance. The On Time 2 will have to handle all of the traffic on her own. She is nine feet shorter than her sister so occasionally will only be carrying two vehicles at a time. You can help relieve the situation by using a smaller vehicle if you have a choice. If you remove your trailer hitch that often makes enough room to fit a third vehicle. If there is a shorter car farther back in the waiting line on Chappy that will fit aboard when the vehicles ahead of it are too long, we may wave it around to get on the ferry. Our goal is to carry three vehicles each trip if possible.
Here’s a tip; if there is a big truck in line ahead of you, leave enough space in front so that you can pull out of line if the ferry crew waves you around. This only applies to the waiting line on Chappy. We never ask vehicles to pass on Daggett street as there is not sufficient space to pass safely. Dinging up your car isn’t worth getting home one trip earlier.
The next household hazardous waste collection at the Edgartown Transfer Station is scheduled for Saturday, Nov. 21. Take your icky stuff there between 9 a.m. and noon. They will be accepting used motor oil, oi- based paints and other hazardous waste. I found the secret to the collection schedule on the website. It’s always on the third Saturday in the months of May, July, September and November. So if you miss this one you will have to wait half a year for the next collection. Also on that website is a complete list of fees for throwing away everything else you can imagine.
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