The weekend weather was cool with a touch of frost Monday morning in some areas. It allowed for plenty of outdoor work to get done on Saturday. Our foliage is at the peak of color and leaves are beginning to fall rapidly. Scarecrows and pumpkins dot the landscape these days in all parts of town. There were several yard sales last weekend and the Dumptique is busier than ever. To avoid confusion, please be mindful that at 2 a.m. next Sunday, November 1, we will return to Eastern Standard Time, and the days will grow dramatically shorter. Plus if you turn your clocks back you will gain an hour of sleep and still not be late for church.

Anna Alley of State Road returned home Monday after a trip to a nursing conference in Marlboro and a long weekend with our grandchildren Robbie and Henry and their parents. Grandma took the kids to several places including her sister Nina’s house in Providence.

Anna Carringer over at the Martha’s Vineyard Museum is about finished with preparations at the old Marine Hospital in Vineyard Haven for an afternoon family festival on Sunday from noon to 2 p.m., rain or shine. In conjunction with their ongoing Island Faces: Portrait Competition exhibit, the event will focus on faces and making masks. Enjoy spider web hopscotch, gingerbread cookie decorating, dress up, games and lots of pumpkins on the lawn of the hospital. Costumes are encouraged.

Jill Carlton and her husband, Pete Karman, of New Haven, Conn., were at their summer home on State Road last weekend to close it up for the season.

The annual electronics disposal day, sponsored by Bruno’s, will take place Saturday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the Martha’s Vineyard Community Services campus across from the high school. Off-Island disposal in an environmentally friendly way! Recycle old and tired air conditioners, cell phones, computers, microwaves, printers, refrigerators, televisions, washers and dryers, scrap metal, and more. Fees range from $2 to $30 and proceeds go to MVCS. For prices and more information visit

Lynn Christoffers of Edgartown Road returned home last week after a business trip to New York city and New Jersey.

Paul Karasik reports that the 16th Annual Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School scarecrow contest will be in full swing over the next week. You can expect to see scarecrows in front of sponsor businesses all over the Island.

Martha’s Vineyard Chamber Music Society executive director Jane Coakley proudly announces The Drama of Live Opera on Friday, Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. at the West Tisbury library. For more information contact her at 508-696-8055.

Our condolences to the family of Cynthia Walsh, who passed away last week. She was an active member of the community and enjoyed living in her Old County Road home. She was a partner in Summerhouse, a popular restaurant in New York city, for several years.

When you are in or near the woods these days remember that the archery season for deer started earlier this week. The manager of the Manuel F. Correllus State Forest would like to remind people who enter the forest to wear bright-colored clothing to be on the safe side. Be extra careful when driving, as deer are apt to cross the road day or night at one of their favorite crossings.

Happy birthday to Caroline Flanders, Dianne Rothwell, Susan Faraca and Mark Bettencourt Friday, Betty Cottle, Ben DeForest, Mara Coleman and Shirley Wilcox Saturday, Hunter Moorman, Dana Street, Carol Koury, Doreen Rezendes and Sarah Mayhew on Sunday, Sid Counsell, Laura Roosevelt, Sarah Bergeron, Amy Lawry and Maureen Fisher on Monday, Philippe Jordi, Lawrence Weber and Heather Slayton on Tuesday, Brian Alwardt, Travis Wood and Elizabeth Patterson on Wednesday, Fran Finnegan, Barbara Moment, David Christensen, Paul Wells and Joe Capobianco on Thursday. Belated anniversary wishes to Nettie Kent and Colin Ruel. Saturday would have been John Adams and Abigail Smith’s 251st wedding anniversary.

Well, that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me.

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