Enrollment in Island public schools has remained relatively steady this year, the recent annual school census shows.
The Oak Bluffs and West Tisbury schools are seeing slight growth while the regional high school is seeing a slight drop in enrollment. Enrollment also fell at the Chilmark School. Peak enrollment this year is in the second grade, with 186 students Islandwide.
The school census is conducted every year on Oct. 1.
Assistant superintendent Richard Smith said factors that affect enrollment include winter housing, school programs and school choice.
Total enrollment Islandwide is 2,117 students.
The Oak Bluffs School has a total of 421 students in K through eight this year, an increase of 23 students over last year. In West Tisbury total enrollment is 322, an increase of 32 students in K through eight.
The Tisbury School has 315 students in grades K through eight, a slight drop from last year. Edgartown also saw a slight drop with 356 students enrolled this year in grades K through eight. Despite the drop, Edgartown has added extra classrooms this year to accommodate a bubble of students in first and fourth grades.
“It’s the strangest thing, one grade will just get hit hard with large numbers of move-ins,” said Vineyard schools superintendent Dr. Matthew D’Andrea. “It’s impossible to know why.”
The Chilmark School saw the largest percentage drop, with enrollment falling from 61 to 49 in grades K through five.
The regional high school has 654 students, 32 fewer than last year. The largest number of students in the high school come from Oak Bluffs (192), followed by Edgartown (175). Tisbury sends 145 students to the high school, while West Tisbury sends 106, Chilmark sends 24, and Aquinnah sends 12.
High school enrollment numbers are one factor used to determine town assessments every year.
Islandwide, boys outnumber girls by 81 students. On an individual school basis the one exception is Oak Bluffs; in that school girls outnumber boys by 19 students.
The Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School is not included in the census, but numbers obtained from the school show that it is nearly full, with 177 students enrolled, three less than the 180 allowed under the charter.
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