Friday may be the start of a long holiday weekend for some of us. The post office, school, and all other town and county buildings will be closed on Wednesday in honor of Veterans Day. This holiday was created to acknowledge the armistice that ended World War I. More than 50 years ago the day was rededicated to honor the veterans who fought in all of our country’s armed conflicts. Let us pause for a moment on Wednesday to remember all of those who have gone before us.

Halloween night there was virtually no traffic anywhere on the Island. Trick-or-treaters were few in number in this town. I guess the idea of door to door stops has lost to the myriad of parties. We didn’t have a single one and neither did Charlie and Stevie Kernick at busy Post Office Square.

Special correspondent Jen Wool reports that she and Dan Leventritt are greeting guests from around the country this weekend. Mary Govoni, retired Sandwich town treasurer and lifetime Cape resident, and her daughter in law, South Dakota rodeo star and designer Lisa Lillibridge from Burlington, Vt., are visiting the Blue Barque up on South Road to celebrate Mary’s birthday on Nov. 9. Joining the party is Joan Benson, a professional storyteller from Santa Cruz, Calif., and her daughter, Maggie Pace of Vermont. Joan has dreamed of visiting the Cape and Islands for years. Christie Gamp, an interior designer and renovation project manager, is joining the gang and will help guide their exploration of the Cape and Islands.

The annual meeting and election of officers and trustees of the Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society will be held on the 11th at 7:30 p.m. in their hall on Panhandle Road. The annual Barn Raisers’ Ball will be held Saturday evening.

Jenifer and Lisa Strachan went to Lyme, Conn. recently and joined other members of their family to attend a tribute to their late sister, Kim, at the elementary school where she taught. Lisa reports that there were performances by the children and a very moving dedication ceremony attended by former students, parents, and colleagues. The school spent a year planning and raising funds for an Outdoor Learning Center which they dedicated with the unveiling of a plaque that reads “In Loving Memory of Kim Strachan.” It was a beautiful autumn day that they will long remember.

The Independent Florida Alligator newspaper reports that Bruce Blackwell and Brandy Wight celebrated marriage equality at the Gainesville Pride Parade and Festival on Oct. 24. The two have been a couple since 1966 and got married on Sept. 17, 2004 in Martha’s Vineyard where they lived and ran a successful business for years. This year is special for them not only because of the Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality, but also because Brandy is 100 years old.

Ava and Naomi Plakins made a surprise trip to their Middle Road estate last weekend. They treated me to dinner (Anna was unavailable) on Halloween.

Please make arrangements to attend the special town meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 17 at 7 p.m. in the school gym. You will be presented with an eight-article warrant.

Amy Hoff, over at the library, reports that Friday evening at 7 p.m. the library will host a Twilight Concert (actually it will be pitch black) with David Stanwood on piano. This concert is free and open to the public. David will feature his own personal style of improvised piano music on the library’s Rosewood Steinway.

Also, photographs by Brigitte Cornand will be on display in the library community room throughout November. The library will host a reception Saturday from 4 till 5 p.m. Both the exhibit and the reception are free. Her latest artistic pursuit is a series of photographs titled See You at the Dumptique. The collection features many locals at the one of a kind free shop at the West Tisbury landfill. On Monday at 7 the library will host its second Writers Read evening. This event features community members reading short original prose pieces. Both fiction and nonfiction readings are welcome. Sign up in advance to read by calling 508-693-4307 or take a chance and sign up that day!

Work began on Nov. 1, 1950 on a fire station on Edgartown Road. The site, a two-acre parcel, was donated by Mrs. Susan Scott and it was directly across the street from her home. This climaxed several weeks of discussion by the selectmen to find a home for the town’s new fire truck. Nelson S. Bryant, chairman of the selectmen, expressed pleasure with the chosen location. He said her offer was far and away the most practical that they had received. John G. MacKenty, president of the Agricultural Society, wrote a letter indicating that the society was willing to donate some of their land for that purpose and it was approved by their membership. However the letter clearly pointed out the donated land was to be accessed only from school property. When objections arose about that Mr. Bryant said the entire project was up in the air again. The board then voted to accept Mrs. Scott’s offer, which was the first proposal discussed by the board.

Happy birthday to: Marion Irving, Pat Waring and Dawn Feinsmith Friday, Wendy Rose, Fred Estabrook and Vickie Thurber Saturday, Marylee Schroeder, Joe Turney and Cynthia Robinson on Sunday, Sharon Estrella, Gabriella Camilleri, Erin Leighton, Antonio Saccoccia and Nicole Casey on Monday, Binnie Ravitch, Keth Olsen, Ken Hurd, Michael West and Linda Talbot on Tuesday, Richard Cohen, Ursula Ferro, Mary Jo Joiner, Andy Brunk, Cynthia Eakin and Salvatore Della Torre on Wednesday, and Tina Fisher, Barbara Hoffman and Wendy Hitchcock on Thursday. Happy ninth anniversary to Nicole Alley and Arsen Hambardzumian on Wednesday. Belated birthday greetings to Jeri Berry.

Well that is all of the social news for this week. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.

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