Mouse lovers, here is a story for you. I had the back door open after dinner last week to get some air in after Teri almost burned supper. Nonna was in her favorite chair in front of the TV. Teddy Paul Bruschi Kennedy Gardella, my five year old black cat, ran in from outside. Nonna began to yell, “I think Teddy has a mouse!” And so he did, and he dropped it still alive with no apparent damage on the living room floor so he could chase it around the piano and furniture.

Nonna, who uses a walker and has great trouble with movement, tried to get out of her chair and jump on it. A cute little mouse! We solved her distress by opening both the front and back doors, incarcerating Teddy Paul in my bedroom, and having Teri chase the poor dear with a broom. No blood. Mouse escaped. Another happy ending.

Music lovers, particularly jazz aficionados, will have a great time at the Katharine Cornell Theatre at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow night, Nov. 14. Paul Thurlow is celebrating his new CD he made with his four piece band. I adore the fact that so many of our talented Islanders can keep us entertained throughout the winter.

Our American Legion on Martin Road needs help with bingo on Monday nights. If you help, you have fun, it’s that simple. Our Legion Auxiliary will be holding its annual holiday bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 12 this year. Come for food, fun and shopping. If you have any gently used items for our white elephant table, please drop them off. If you can donate to our raffle prizes, same thing. Don’t miss the party!

Can anyone help with this? Teri needs a ride from the White Plains area, (tri-state area, okay), to Woods Hole on any of the next few days. She would need a ride back early, mid or late next week. We will pay for gas and lunch, of course. Even if you can only help with a one-way ride we would appreciate it. Call my number or email me.

From the sports pages: At last, our charter school students have been cleared to participate in the MVRHS swim team. I hope more sports are to follow. Play ball!

Confidential to Lyn K: I have finally mustered the courage to begin reading The Emperor of All Maladies by Siddhartha Mukherjee. It is even more amazing than I had anticipated, well written and informative. You know the size of this book? It should take me through Thanksgiving. Nonna has started Midnight in Sicily by Peter Robb. She isn’t as far into it as she would be because her first ever, new recliner arrived yesterday and she is having so much fun with the buttons, making it go up and down, and even in ejector position. Her new toy.

Get well wishes go out to Woody Williams, Fred Thifault, Stan Mercer, and Carol Osborn. Anniversary bouquets are sent to Rene and Joanne Moncada on Nov. 14.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Lillian Beal and Rosemary Jackson Friday. Saturday belongs to Alfred Francis, Ellison Brasil and John Gardella. Nov. 15 honors Anna Maria Cimeno, Swaran Bahal and Juraci Rodrigues. Nov. 16 is shared by JackLynn Pinkerton Parker and Jo-Ann Walker. Nov. 18 is a party for John Alley, Sarah Thompson, Sam Sawyer and Katie Lolley. And on Nov. 19 John Athearn, Michael Mortell, Jenny Coito and Linda Voluckas take the cake. Many happy returns.

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