The temperature dropped. The snow dropped. The kids dropped down the hill at the outlook on all kinds of sleds on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday on Monday. Stellar sledder was Piper Murphy’s daughter, Mary Afton, on a new sled painted like a penguin. I have a new project for Mary Afton and all you pet lovers. Sunday from 2 to 4 p.m. at our Chicken Alley Thrift Shop a $4 entrance charge will provide us with materials while we are taught to sew blanket beds for dogs, kittens, gerbils, whatever. Sounds like a fun Sunday afternoon. Everyone is welcome.
Our Martha’s Vineyard Community Services also has an event Saturday, Jan. 23, hosted by the United Methodist Church aka the Stone Church in our town. Gently used clothing, including hats, scarves and gloves, will be available free from 2 to 5 p.m. All ages, all sizes, come try them on.
Along with many of these winter hobbies I must thank Tammy Morrison Glenn who has the avocation — or perhaps I should say vocation — of leading us in Cooking on the Vineyard. Not only does Tammy offer fabulous recipes but tips on measurement conversion and food spoilage are also published. Ask to join on Facebook, she’ll let you in.
Lori Robinson Fisher reports that Islanders Talk has reached more than 5,800 members. Please ask to get in and add to our ranks. You learn the most interesting and useful things. This week Kevin Downs and many others have mentioned improving the access ramps to beaches and the water itself. So many of us are helping with relatives and friends who cannot access the beach. I think this is a new movement starting particularly for our Islanders and visitors. Join and give us your input.
Congratulations to Betty Burton and John Sundman on the birth of their new granddaughter, Piper Grace. I saw the picture. Looks like Betty, a beautiful baby girl. Welcome to the world, Piper Grace.
As I help Nonna navigate the complexities of being age 98 (and a half, she always adds) I have a special small group of people who make it possible for me to keep on, keeping on. A tip of the Tisbury hat goes out to Brocha, Arlinda, Teri and Jeff. You know who you are and we thank you for being you.
Speaking of Nonna, many of you get my weekend updates on our situation. I have not written in a month, sort of taking a break because we are so busy. It has been party after party, visitors galore, fine food and treats sent by many good friends — the Beckers, the Muneys, the Kleins, the Gardellas, among them. My mother has a constant and loyal fan base. Many former students stop by, call or write. It is great to watch seniors reap the rewards of their busy, fulfilling and caring lives. Stay tuned for my weekend update, resuming this weekend.
Condolences to Matt Markey on the passing of his loyal companion, Sadie, who left us after 15 years of grace and good will. I am so pleased Pope Francis assured us that dogs do go to heaven.
On Friday Jan. 22 the birthday bandwagon pulls along Donna Bouchard; Jan. 23, Wanda Denton, Yesmin Silva and Lisa Jannace Meade; Jan. 24, Katie Campbell and Eva Balbino Dias; Jan. 25, Holly Nadler celebrates her birthday with another great writer, Robbie Burns. Bunny Davis and Kristen Pachico also participate. On Jan. 26, Teri Praskach, Karen Coffey and Larry Levine age gracefully. No, not the Island’s Larry Levine. My Larry Levine, most pleasant person from Pleasantville. Jan. 27 is for Jesse Steere, Emma Beach, Gail Burke, Caroline Davey and Fatima Silva. And on Jan. 28, Courtney Daley, Lou Natichioni, Sonia Balbino and Alyssa Rose Miller take the cake. Many happy returns.
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