Well it was a cold blustery weekend with high winds, a wind chill factor of minus 25 degrees, boat cancellations and a Sunday morning temperature of minus seven degrees! That is the coldest morning temperature that I can recall. Not many people ventured out for very long as frostbite could occur in less than 10 minutes. Now it snowed on Monday but changed to rain overnight and the temperature hit 50 degrees on Tuesday and we had another afternoon of high winds. We have had a modest influx of visitors this past week, not as much as in past years, and the weather perhaps was the main reason.
Friday marks the beginning of the school vacation week for Vineyard students and many families will also take a vacation from the winter boredom. If you thought it was quiet last week well be prepared as it will feel like virtually everyone has left Dodge. We are about to celebrate another obscure holiday; you see next Saturday is National Pig Day and will be celebrated by those of us who are left remaining on the rock.
Richard Olsen has about completed digging out a full cellar under the Old Parsonage. There is a huge pile of reddish sand near the building. It was probably the first time that much earth was disturbed since the Ice Age. It will be interesting to watch the next phase of reconstruction of a landmark.
Sam Alley went up to East Taunton visited nephews Robbie and Henry and their parents and came home on Monday.
Frank Polagruto, of Great Plains Road, will be celebrating his birthday on Wednesday with his wife Celeste and family. Frank, a collector of all kinds of music, reportedly will feature a Julie Andrews favorite on his website that day. Happy birthday Frank!
Tara Whiting, town clerk, reminds you that the presidential primary will be held from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on March 1 at the Public Safety Building, The annual town meeting is Tuesday, April 12 at 7 p.m. in the school gym and the election on Thursday, April 14, same time and place as the primary election. If you are not going to be in town for the primary she has absentee ballots available in her office during normal business hours.
Amy Hoff, over at the library, reports that the paintings of Doug Kent are on display at the library this month and all of March. A closing reception will be held in his honor on Saturday, March 26 at 4 p.m. The library has been hosting Sunday Afternoon Jazz from 4 to 5 p.m. every Sunday this month, presented by Eric Johnson. They would like to extend a special thank you to the West Tisbury Library Foundation and Friends of the Library for their generous support of the music program. This Sunday the John Alaimo trio with Mike Tinus and Tauras Biskis will be playing.
On Feb. 10 Brin Rosenthal married Tom Weber out in La Jolla, Calif. Brin has been a summer visitor to this town since birth. She is the daughter of the late Carey Rosenthal and his wife Abby. Congratulations!
Happy birthday to: Bob Knight, Michelle Aluia, Christina Wiley and Joyce Wright today; Charlene Kelly, Levi Flanders and Robert Osmers Saturday; Lila Fischer, Richard Johnson, David Bowman and Lila Fischer on Sunday; Samantha Church and Roy Cavanaugh on Monday; Ellen Wolfe, Stuart Gardner and Lukas Higgins Tuesday; Frank Polagruto, Diane Wall, Brenda McMorrow, John Anderson, Kevin Carr, and Justen Ahren on Wednesday; and Susie Bowman, Steve Gallagher, Kelly Arruda and Alison Welles on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Lenny Jason, Meg Higgins, David Schuster, and old friend Don Evon.
Well that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
Send West Tisbury news to alleys@vineyard.net.
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