Well as you have noticed, the days are getting thankfully longer; we now have more than 12 hours of daylight each day and the thermometer has acted favorably. The sun has been wonderful and snow drops are in full bloom in Charlie Kernick’s yard. Perhaps the most hopeful sign of spring, which begins on Sunday, was a young lady going to a local coffee shop with the shortest of skirts and mud boots to match last weekend!
Anna Alley, of State Road, returned home Sunday night after spending the weekend helping Nicole with our grandsons Robbie, Henry, Edward and Mark. She did have time to stop at Antonio’s on the way home and bring Sam and me a delicious take-out dinner.
Sal Laterra of Providence, R.I. arrived on Wednesday to spend the St. Patrick’s Day weekend with Phyllis Meras.
Marjorie Pierce reports that the Wednesday night suppers at the church parish hall have been a huge success. They will conclude for the season the last Wednesday of April.
Marian Irving has released the Holy Week schedule for the First Congregational Church. They will have a traditional Palm Sunday service on Sunday, March 20 at 10 a.m. On Thursday the 24th at 7:30 p.m. the church will conduct a tenebrae service. Tenebrae (Latin for shadows or darkness) is one of the oldest traditions in the Christian church for the commemoration of the passion and death of Jesus. The service will conclude in darkness and silence to remember the story of Jesus’s betrayal, trial, and crucifixion. The service is held on Holy or Maundy Thursday and includes communion.
Joan Jenkinson, animal control officer, reports that all pet owners should mark April 2 on their calendars as that will be the date of the annual rabies clinic.
Tanya Larsen, over at the Council on Aging, reports that the Howes House Writing Group is hoping to find new members! The writing group meets every Tuesday at the Up-Island Council on Aging from 10 a.m. to noon. All skill/experience levels are welcome!
Paddy Moore reports that the Democratic town committee meeting will be held on Saturday, March 26. The meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. at the Howes House. Doors will open at 9:30 a.m.
Geoff Currier reports that Music Street will present Musical Treasures with Letitia Jap on the violin, Rainer Crosett on the cello and Diane Katzenberg Braun on piano on Sunday from 4 to 5 p.m. at the library. This free concert will include three concertos, one for each musician plus a few duos and trios. The concert is sponsored by the West Tisbury Library Foundation, the Friends of the West Tisbury Library and the library.
On March 24, 1945 Mr. and Mrs. Horace Athearn, of Crow Hollow, received word from their youngest son, Cpl. Clifton H. Athearn, telling them of his safe arrival in France. They had two other sons in the service, Lieut. Elmer W. Athearn of the engineers aviation battalion who was stationed somewhere in the South Pacific and Sgt. Leonard B. Athearn of the Air Transport Command who was stationed in India.
Happy Birthday to: Jane Seagrave, Chuck Schmidt, Cara Lane, Bob Douglas and Patricia McCarthy Friday; Nancy Huntington, Patrick Jenkinson, Shelly Brown, Shelley Christiansen and Joanne Roddy Saturday; Ernie Thomas, Linda Hughes, Anna Hill, Arthur Eakin, Nora Winsryg-Karasik and Anna Finnerty on Sunday; Heather Rynd, Margery Pires, Julie Robinson, and Karen Lowe on Monday; Beth McElhiney, Christopher Cohen and Christina Shropshire on Tuesday; Paul Jackson, Renee Metell, Dwight Kaeka and Lori Vanderlaske on Wednesday; and Sophie Brush, David Stanwood, Hal Child, Fatina Berichi, Ed Pierce, Donna Petkus, Augustus Ben David and Carla Hutker on Thursday. Belated birthday greetings to Richard Skidmore and Mike Stutz.
Well that is of the social news for this edition. If you have any news you would like to share please call or e-mail me. Have a great week and a hearty welcome to spring!
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