On Thursday, April 14, beginning at 6 p.m., plan to take a tour of the Island Grown Farm Hub greenhouse at Thimble Farm and also enjoy a Slow Food community potluck.

Farm program leader Keith Wilda will lead a 30-minute tour around the 31,000-square-foot greenhouse, talking about the hydroponics and aquaponics systems used to grow food year-round. He will also discuss the community-supported agricultural (CSA) pickup and new off-season market also at the site.

The potluck will start immediately follow the tour at 6:30 p.m. The event is free and open to the public as well as Slow Food members and supporters. Bring a dish to share for six, and your own place setting. Enjoy a freshly picked salad from the greenhouse as part of the dinner.

Slow Food Martha’s Vineyard is now in it’s 11th year of service to the island, helping to promote Vineyard food and farms, and gathering around the local table.