Chilmark is invited to attend a memorial service for George Szilassy, Chilmark firefighter and friend who died this winter. The Chilmark Volunteer Firefighters will conduct the service on Sunday, April 24, at 11:30 a.m. in Menemsha and we are asked to park in the beach parking area and join them in remembering a good friend.

Jonathan Mayhew will be honored at a potluck luncheon at town hall on May 6 at noon. Jonathan is retiring from his second two terms as a Chilmark selectman. We all appreciate his years of service and wish him well in retirement. All are welcome to attend the luncheon.

Please mark your calendars for 1 p.m. on May 21 at the community center when the family of Dan W. Greenbaum will gather for what is being called a final goodbye party for Dan. He died on November 13 at 89. All who knew and loved Dan are welcome to attend. Dan had deep Chilmark roots growing up as part of the Chilmark and Menemsha summer scene and, in retirement, served tirelessly on many town boards. He is much loved and remembered by many.

Remember that the annual town meeting is coming up on Monday next and the elections will be on Wednesday at town hall from noon to 8 p.m. You still have time to read the warrant before the meeting and be ready with your questions. The warrant can be found in the newspapers or at town hall. While there, you can pick up a new annual town report, now printed and available.

One more word about the you have no doubt heard, Edgartown, West Tisbury and Tisbury have all voted for the ban on plastic checkout bags The Vineyard Conservation Society is asking us to give this some thought and add Chilmark to the list of the approving towns. I might suggest that as you drive around the Island this weekend, count the plastic bags and other waste that hangs in our bushes and trees. That is enough to convince some of us.

Howes House writers are inviting us to a program to be conducted by Eleanor Bates on Tuesday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to noon. The program is entitled Word Collages to Inspire Writing. All are welcome and the Howes House is in West Tisbury, across the road from Alley’s Store. All are welcome at no charge.

The Martha’s Vineyard Museum is welcoming us to an exhibit entitled In The Giant’s Shadow: Whaling and Martha’s Vineyard. The show may be seen until March of 2017. More details at

The West Tisbury school class of 2017 is in the process of writing their annual free newspaper that the seventh grade students traditionally write and distribute as a fundraiser for their England exchange program. Advertisements for local businesses are solicited and checks may be made out to UIRSD and sent to The West Tisbury School, School’s Out, PO box 250, West Tisbury, MA., 02575 or email for details.

Not much people news this week. Most of us are back from offshore adventures and looking forward to seeing each other at town meeting and the polling booths. See you there!

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