The next Chappy Community Center potluck will be hosted by Leslie Floyd on Wednesday, May 4. Appetizers begin at 6 p.m. with the dinner bell ringing at 6:30. Please bring a dish to serve six. Your choice entirely. We usually have a fair balance of main dishes, sides dishes and desserts. All are welcome.

The community center is still looking to hire a sailing assistant. Look at the employment opportunity section of the CCC website for the job description, or if you are absolutely positive that you are exactly the right person for the job regardless, just call Martha Weston at 914-907-8920.

The Chappy Stitchers will meet for the last time this season on Friday, April 29. Seems that this time of year everyone is getting a little too busy.

The old Carnegie library building at the top of Daggett street continues to serve as the Edgartown post office. Pretty handy for Chappaquiddickers. Parking for postal patrons is provided along North Water street. Starting right out front and running towards the Harbor View Hotel all of the spaces are marked 15 minutes. Post office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Saturday 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.

After a week of carrying only passengers, everything is back to normal with the Chappy ferry — of course that depends on your definition of normal. The bulkhead repair in the space beneath the Chappy ramp went smoothly with no big surprises. The guys were actually a day ahead of schedule. The ferry was back to carrying vehicles by 7 p.m. Saturday. There is still plenty to do replacing the rotten wooden bulkheads on the northeast side of the slip where the little ferry shed used to sit. Eventually that side will look like the completely rebuilt southwest side.

A few folks commented that they liked the ferry shed in its temporary location at the head of the spare boat slip. It certainly was the right spot for that structure while passengers were getting off and on the ferry there. Many Chappaquiddickers said that they like the more relaxed pace on Chappy and on the ferry while the repair work was going on. The atmosphere of Chappy was no longer one in which the almighty automobile determined the character of our neighborhood. The road was pleasant for walking and biking. Folks didn’t have to wonder how long the vehicle line would be and whether to allow an extra half hour to get somewhere on time. Instead you knew that from the moment you got down to the ferry you would be stepping off the boat on the other side less than 10 minutes later.

As far as I know the folks who drove the beach to town did so without incident. The beach is in good shape for driving. Fortunately for all concerned the weather was fabulous during that week. I apologize for any misinformation about the mail, FedEx, etc. I guess what I heard and passed on to you in this column or in person were mere possibilities rather than promises. Well, it’s all behind us now. I sure could use a nap! Erik Gilley and George Fisher deserve several days off after the marathon workweek they put into the project. Thanks to all of you ferry travelers for your patience and accommodation. There is never a good time to take a ramp or ferry out of service but preventive maintenance pays off. If we waited for things to break to fix them you can rest assured that it would happen on a busy hot day in mid-August. Check the Chappy Ferry Facebook page to see lots of photos of the slip repairs.

The other day I ran into my co-columnist Brad Woodger, freshly returned to Chappy from the far side of the world. We will begin taking turns writing the column again. I enjoy Brad’s writing style. I was starting to repeat myself, so it’s a welcome change for all.

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