The weekend weather was not that bad. A stray shower or two on Sunday, but below average temperatures. Saturday an Island-wide bike race was held. The orioles (birds that is) will return to town by Thursday. The late Emma Whiting had records to prove that they always return by the 12th, and bird watchers will be keeping a sharp eye out for them. Thanks to my son Sam for pinch hitting for me at the post office on Saturday.
Anna and I went up to Boston Saturday so I could officiate at a wedding ceremony at Exchange Place, a beautiful location on Fisherman’s Wharf. Tom McCarthy married Lauren Byrne in front of a packed house of about 160 people. It seems that I married her parents Robert and Rachel some 30 years ago at the Edgartown Light. I had a wonderful time meeting new people and doing my best to conduct the ceremony. Anna and Nicole took Robbie and Henry down to Boston Common, where they had a swell time as well. On the way home we visited all of the family before heading home Sunday night.
Emily Gadd, of South Road, has arrived at her home after a winter in Bozeman, Mont. She will soon be planting her prolific vegetable garden and renewing friendships with old friends. Welcome back Emily!
Alex Karman of Brooklyn, N.Y., was at his mother’s house on State Road for the weekend. He opened the house and started work on their vegetable garden.
Marjorie Pierce reports that this year’s community suppers at the West Tisbury church, extended until the end of April, were enormously successful. Despite the cold weather they served over 1,000 meals. She wants to thank all of the volunteers and everyone involved in making the Wednesday night dinners such a success.
The origin of Mother’s Day can be traced back to Roman times. Closer to home, in 1912 West Virginia became the first state to officially recognize Mother’s Day, and 102 years ago President Woodrow Wilson signed it into national observance, declaring the second Sunday in May as Mother’s Day. It is her day so take her to lunch, cook her dinner and do all the chores she has been asking you to do.
Amy Hoff, over at the library, reports that they have received a guitar for circulation in honor of Asa French. The guitar is now a part of the musical instrument collection at the Library. Musical instruments can be checked out with a CLAMS library card for two weeks. On behalf of the library she wants to thank Jim Thorpe for his donation.
Happy birthday to: Jane Konicki, Jeanne Smith, Leslie Hurd, Jonathan Rich and Hilary Whyte Friday; Judy Counsell, Peter Vann, Betsey Gately, Rebecca Rattner and Natalie Thibodeau Saturday; Ken O’Connor, Madeline Tramontano, Jessica Estrella, Sky MacDuff and Garry Metters on Sunday; Shanti Blum, Phyllis Meras, Lynne Whipple and Rebecca Williams on Monday; Chris Decker, Dave Kish, Marques Rivers, Betsey Van Landingham and John Osmers on Tuesday; Michael McCarthy, Shane Fisher, Ingrid Pohl, Catherine Carr and Todd Murtha on Wednesday, and Beverly Mazza, Liza Williamson, Emily Gray and Daniel Benedetto on Thursday. A very happy 33rd wedding anniversary to David and Eleanor Stanwood next Friday.
Well that is all of the social news for this week’s column. A trivia tidbit: 72 years ago Arthur Godfrey began a lengthy stint as a morning disc jockey with his program on WCBS radio that was listened to by many Vineyarders religiously every weekday.
If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the moms out there and have a great week.
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