The Army Corps of Engineers has terminated its contract with J-Way Inc. of Avon, Ohio, following the company’s failure to remove dredging equipment from Menemsha Channel and along Lobsterville and West Basin roads in Aquinnah.

The politically fraught project began in October and was halted in January to allow for the migration of winter flounder in Menemsha Pond. The company then missed an April 15 deadline to remove the remaining equipment, arguing that doing so and setting it back up in the fall would be too costly.

The Aquinnah selectmen discussed the next steps at their meeting on Tuesday, noting that the company must still remove its dredge from the channel, along with about a mile and a half of piping along Lobsterville and West Basin Roads. And J-Way has yet to repair erosion at the West Basin parking lot and replace a wooden pile marking the town line down the center of the pond.

Town administrator Adam Wilson said the company likely had a “small window” to vacate the site before the bonding company takes over, but the details were unclear.

Charter captain Buddy Vanderhoop pointed out that sand from Lobersterville Beach has been collecting around the pipeline, which runs along the side of the road. He added that with boating season underway, the unlighted dredge was a major safety hazard.

“Somebody is going to get killed,” he said, “and the town’s going to be liable.”

Chilmark recently awarded four oyster grants in the pond, causing some concern over the lack of a dividing line. The missing pile was less than a year old, having replaced one dislodged by ice in 2015. Chilmark has taken steps to replace it again, but Mr. Wilson said Aquinnah could do the work using the survey from last year.

Mr. Vanderhoop drew attention to the erosion at West Basin, which he said has deposited sediment in the channel. “You can wade across there and not get your ankles wet at low tide,” he said, pressing for repairs before summer.

In other business Tuesday, the selectmen trudged through a stormy agenda that included a number of recent mishaps, including the toppling of a stone pillar at the entrance to the town cemetery.

Cemetery commissioner Steven Roth reported that a worker from Edgartown had backed into the pillar in a truck, reducing it to rubble. Selectman Juli Vanderhoop worried that its absence might allow vehicles to drive over the unmarked graves near the gate. “It’s really important to all of us that whoever is going up there with whatever trailer or machinery have an understanding of where the graves are,” she said.

Public works director Jay Smalley said he had recovered the broken pieces and could put them back together. But Mr. Vanderhoop, who recalled digging graves at the cemetery as a younger man, believed the pillar should never have fallen to begin with.

“Why did we hire someone from Edgartown to dig our graves when we’ve done it all of our lives?” he said. “My father was the gravedigger for all his life, and then I did it when he got old.” He added that his brother, Brian (Chip) Vanderhoop, had held the job until last year. “Chip all of a sudden was just booted off the roster without even notification,” he said.

Mr. Roth said he would talk to cemetery commission chairman Eleanor Hebert about seeking reparations from the contractor.

The selectmen also took action to regrade new speed bumps on Church Street that had ended up several inches taller then planned. Again Mr. Vanderhoop was the bearer of bad news. “[They have] so far taken out the front spoiler on my car, taken my wife’s muffler off of her car, and they are a hazard to traffic,” he said. “I think that the town should be liable for fixing my car.”

The long-planned speed bumps were approved last year, but contractor Craig Tharpe had suggested making them taller. Mr. Smalley had given the go-ahead, but said he hadn’t expected such a dramatic increase. He noted tire marks and a petroleum agent on one of the bumps where someone had apparently tried to wear it down.

Incoming selectman Gary Haley, who was sworn in prior to the meeting, suggested grinding them down to four inches. “The summer people will be coming and they will be ripping their cars apart,” he said.

Selectmen agreed to write a letter authorizing the changes so Mr. Smalley could perform the work. Mr. Smalley also planned to install signs to help slow the traffic.

Another recent mishap threatened to hold up a $995,000 project by the Up-Island Regional School District to repair the Chilmark and West Tisbury Schools. In an email dated May 6, school business administrator Amy Tierney explained that a debt authorization sent to former selectmen Spencer Booker by a March deadline had been returned by the post office.

“If you feel strongly that the letter was not received, and you knew nothing about the borrowing, the UIRSD District would have to start the process all over again and it will delay the start of the summer work we have planned,” Ms. Tierney wrote. The letter was re-sent with the word “chairman” in the address, but had not arrived as of Tuesday.

The selectmen voted to allow the project to continue as planned.

Looking ahead, town residents will celebrate the first anniversary of the relocation of the Gay Head Light with a potluck dinner on May 30. The town holiday, recently named Save the Lighthouse Day, was established last year following the move. The celebration begins at 6 p.m. in the Aquinnah Old Town Hall.