Chilmark welcomes home recently-elected selectman Jim Malkin and his wife, Joan, who are back at their South Road home and their assorted town commitments after an enjoyable month’s vacation in Italy.

Visitors to Menemsha beach last weekend had the pleasure of seeing the superyacht Zenji moored in Menemsha bight. It is a 183-foot ketch that Google says belongs to Larry Ellison. If you missed it you can see lots of pictures on Google. It was a lovely sight.

I hope you received your Chilmark Community Center booklet in your mail this week. If not, stop by the center to pick up the schedule of events planned for July and August. There are many interesting events planned. The main phone number is 508-645-9484 for more information.

I am happy to have son Caleb, his wife, Chris, and my granddaughter, Celia, here for their annual two-week vacation. Celia is off to Mt. Holyoke in a few weeks.

Terry and Terrie Jensen are at the Norton house in Menemsha this mouth, coming from Santa Barbara, Calif. They have Liz Murphy of Ashland, Ore., as their guest. Terrie reports that her sister, Michelle, is working at a parent resource center in Ashland and both sisters are happy to tell us of the marriages of their sons. Michelle’s son, Jeffery, was married to Brittany in May in Ashland and Terrie’s son, Peter, was married in February to Anna Rankoo in California.

Steve and Susan McGhee traveled to Nonamesset Island to take part in a musical celebration for the 80th birthday of Charles Forbes.

Joan Poole and her son, Thomas, came for a July visit with Joan’s dad and Thomas’s grandfather, Everett Poole of Quitsa.

The Martha’s Vineyard Author Series begins on Thursday, July 21 at 7:30 p.m. at the Chilmark Community Center. Geraldine Brooks will speak about her new historical novel, The Secret Chord. Tickets are available at or, if tickets are sold out, individual tickets will be available at the door one hour before the event begins. Books will be available for purchase and authors will sign their books at all events. Please visit for more information.

The Chilmark Library will offer a talk by John Zeisel about Hopeful Aging with Dementia: Making a Difference on Wednesday, July 20 at 5 p.m. Dr. Zeisel is the president and co-founder of Hearthstone Alzheimer Care, Ltd. and has a background that includes sociology and architecture.

The Chilmark Community Church continues to sell their popular lobster rolls at the church on Tuesdays from 4:30 to 7 p.m. The enjoyable singing group, Vineyard Sound, is performing at the Chilmark Church every Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. There is no charge to attend.

Please remember to email me with all your news. We all enjoy keeping track of our friends even in busy summer times.

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