Chilmark in August . . . even the President and his family know that this is the best place to be in August! Welcome to them and to all who look forward to spending time in August here. Let’s all relax and enjoy the many moods of a summer resort.
The Chilmark library will host a yo-yo demonstration and show by Brett Outcunis on August 9 at 12:30 p.m. The show is offered as a fun and inspiring part of the library’s summer reading program. All are invited free of charge.
Anna Mia Davidson will discuss her new book, Cuba: Black and White, on August 10 at 5 p.m. Ms. Davidson is a photographer and has traveled extensively. The Friends of the Chilmark Library are sponsors of the program and it is free to all.
The Chilmark selectmen will meet at 7 p.m. on August 8 at the Chilmark library meeting room with the planning board members and the Chilmark Affairs Council for a discussion of town projects with an eye to updating the master plan.
The Martha’s Vineyard Partnership for Health is recruiting people who might wish to be trained to conduct seminars on providing powerful tools for caregivers. The program is designed to support caregivers of adults with a chronic condition in a way that enhances the caregiver’s well-being as they care for others. The free training will be provided on Sept. 12 and 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Tisbury Senior Center. Please contact or 508-627-5797 ext. 114 for more information.
Cristopher and Lesley and their three boys have come from Balbriggan, Ireland, for their annual Chilmark vacation with Cris’s parents, Conrad and Jane Neumann.
John Jacobs is back from Littleton, Colo. to continue his seasonal vacation at his Menemsha home.
Karin Wetmore came from Cambridge to enjoy a weekend visiting old friends in Chilmark. She will be joining her son, Jake, and his family in London for five days next week.
Can you believe they are still talking about recreating the heath hen? Does that mean that the Edgartown plains will be reproduced and what happens to the housing and much else that has replaced the plains of yesteryear? I also wonder how they will avoid being eaten by all the new wildlife we live with nowadays…oh well; I do need something else to worry about. I do remember what the old sand plain used to look like and it was a far cry from today’s landscape.
The Martha’s Vineyard Book Festival author series continues with Margo Jefferson speaking about her memoir on August 7 at 7:30 p.m. at the community center. Diane Rehm will talk about her new book, On My Own, on August 11 at 7:30 p.m. Please visit for more details.
We send condolences to the family and many friends of Jack Koontz, who died at his home in Bourne on July 16. He was well-known and a good friend to many in Chilmark as he spent many years working in Menemsha. He will be missed and well remembered by all.
I am happy to have daughter, Sarah, her husband, Aaron Bennett, and two boys, Jack and Scott, visiting from Attleboro this week.
Please remember to call or email me with the news of Chilmark. I am still stuck on Basin Road for another month!
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