Well it sure has felt like summer. It is warm and it is crowded everywhere. The activity preparing for the fair at the Agricultural Hall is at a fever pitch. Next week brings Illumination night on Wednesday, the beginning of the fair on Thursday, and the Oak Bluffs’ fireworks on Friday.

The 155th annual Agricultural Fair begins next Thursday and runs until Sunday evening. The cover of the book was designed by Paul Karasik and the theme this year is Sittin’ Pretty. They are now accepting entry forms and will until Monday at 5 p.m. You can drop your entry forms in the entry box on the front porch of the hall or mail, or fax them in. A complete schedule of events is published in the fair booklet. The Cushing Carnival will again offer a special price for the rides if you purchase a wristband on Friday night. You are asked not to bring your dog.

For the seventeenth consecutive year the VTA will extend bus service to include the fair on Routes 2, 4, and 6. The 8 bus will run express service from Edgartown to the Fair. As an added bonus for riding the bus this year, the Agricultural Society will offer a $1 discount on the purchase of an admission ticket. Be sure to have your hand stamped before exiting the bus to qualify for the discount. A complete bus schedule will be posted on the front porch of the hall. The bus service will run hourly from 8:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. On Sunday the last bus is at 8 p.m. If you choose to bring your automobile there will be two parking lots available: one operated by the society and the firemen and the other by the Whiting Family.

Jill Carlton and husband Pete Karman proudly report that their son graduated from Fordham Law School this spring. Alex and his friends will be camping at Jill’s State Road house over the Labor Day weekend.

Richard and Diana Reische of Runner Road enjoyed entertaining Jon and Nancy Warner, William Bortree and Carol Brown, all of Pelham, N.Y., during the past week. They are expecting son Kirk and family in time for the Fair.

Sig Van Raan reports that he and his wife Susan Dickler recently returned from a long weekend in Nashville, Tenn. They went down to attend the graduation of Susan’s daughter Emma Rose (Willie) from a nursing graduate program where she received a master’s degree and is now an official nurse practitioner.

Susan is hosting the annual MS Foundation MV Gala and they will continue to have a full house. On Sunday, they hosted Margo Jefferson, author of the acclaimed memoir Negroland.

Judy Randall of Virginia was the houseguest of Phyllis Meras last week. Judy enjoyed dinning out, visiting with friends and helping to celebrate her brother Jon and Genevieve Randall’s 27th wedding anniversary.

Denise Mount and her husband Don Evon, of Canton, Conn., arrived this week for their yearly visit with us. They have been coming to visit for several years and we always enjoy a fun time together. Tom Majesky of Boston also came along and enjoyed his visit.

Marian Irving, of Old County Road, reminds you that the Congregational Church’s eighth annual peach festival will be held Saturday from noon to 4 p.m.. Proceeds will benefit the preservation of the historic church.

Rachel Rooney, over at the library, reports that on Wednesday at 5 p.m. David Barton Smith will discuss his new book The Power to Heal: Civil Rights, Medicare, and the Struggle to Transform America’s Health Care System.

Sara Rosenthal reports there will be an art studio reception on Sunday at the studio of Julie Prazich, MD at 562 Lambert’s Cove Road from 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Julie’s art features monoprints and fused glass. Refreshments will be served.

Bea Phear reports that the League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard is holding a candidate forum on Wednesday, August 17 at 4:30 p.m. in the Grange Hall in West Tisbury. This is an opportunity to make sure the Vineyard is well represented in the State House.

The Martha’s Vineyard Democratic Council meets Saturday morning at 9 a.m. at the Howes House.

Happy birthday to: Sam Stevenson, Eric Turkington, Susan Fieldsmith, Joe Schroeder Jesse Myers, and Alyson Wolocott Friday; Linda Jean Hanover, Peter Rodegast, Leslie Sterns, Roberta Mendlovitz, Vickie Crowley and Andrew Salzman Saturday; Bea Whiting, Aaron Myatt, Mark Hutker and Sarah Catchpole on Sunday; Bill Hoff and Bob Huebscher on Monday; Nick Van Nes, Katherine Long on Tuesday, Karin Stanley, Michael Saunier, Chase Sellers, Michelle Myers and Sarah Murphy on Wednesday; and Gerry DeBlois, Christine Gault, Christine Napolitan, Erica Woodcock and Joel Lewis on Thursday. Fifty-third wedding anniversary greetings on Thursday to Dick and Diana Reische. Belated birthday wishes to Colleen Morris, Marsha Kleppersmith, Rosemarie Doane, Marni O’Brien and Charley Hoffshire.

Well that is all of the social news for this week’s column. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.

Send West Tisbury news to alleys@vineyard.net.