We have had great weather all summer long but could use a little more rain than we had on Monday morning. At least the humidity has dissipated.

On Saturday August 27 at the Aquinnah public library, make popsicle stick Minions from 11 to 3 p.m. On Tuesday the 30th the book group will discuss Jeannette Walls’ book Silver Star at 5:30 p.m.

At the Aquinnah Cultural Center on Saturday tribal member Woody Vanderhoop will demonstrate the old Gay Head art of layering the colored clay from the Cliffs in glass containers. Our Story: 400 Years of Wampanoag History will be at the center until the end of September. The cultural center is open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. For more information call (508) 645-7900 or email aquinnahcc@gmail.com.

On Sept. 19 from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Old Town Hall a community dinner and the first of three workshops will be held to discuss and shape the housing and zoning policies Aquinnah will use to create housing options that are affordable for families, elders, employees and children. Input is needed over the course of the three public meetings to help Aquinnah decide who do we want to help with housing, how much housing do we need and where do we want to build it? The second and third workshops are Nov. 14 and Dec. 12 at the same place and time. More information is available on the town website, or contact reviewboard@aquinnah-ma.gov. The community dinner will start at 6:30 p.m. and the workshop at 7:30 p.m. RSVP to reviewboard@aquinnah-ma.gov so adequate food and materials can be provided.

Bill Murray made a guest appearance at Cliffhangers on Sunday evening with his friends. After dinner he especially enjoyed an organic soft serve ice cream cone. Bill reportedly returned on Monday. May he return often for more photographs with his admirers.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cardoza will return to their winter home over the weekend after their annual UPIS LAND vacation. Look forward to seeing them next year and may they continue to enjoy my column each week (at least for a little while longer).

Aquinnah artist Roberta Gross will be featured at the opening of the ninth annual abstract exhibit at the Louisa Gould Gallery in Vineyard Haven on August 27 from 5 to 7 p.m. Light refreshments will be served. and the exhibition will run through Sept. 11.

George Katilus, Jr. has enjoyed working at Vineyard Vines in Edgartown for the summer. For all of his efforts, he was awarded the Customer Service Award for the month of July.

John Ketcham recently celebrated his 90th birthday with a Scottish Bakehouse cake with the full 90 candles . . . he got 89 of them with one blow, saying he had great motivation to avoid needing the services of the Aquinnah Fire Department.

Michael Kistner and his wife Margaret returned to their home in Poughkeepsie, N.Y. on Saturday after spending a few days on the Vineyard visiting his sisters Theresa Kistner Manning and her husband Paul as well as Elizabeth Kistner Long. His daughters Alison Kistner Pitcairn and Stephanie Kistner arrived on Thursday for a surprise visit with the Kistner and Manning families, especially with Noah James Manning.

Kayla Manning and Dana Darcy attended the Zac Brown concert at Fenway Park over the weekend while two-year-old Kylee spent the weekend with her aunt Bryann Darcy.

Congratulations to Todd Pember of Medfield and Zoa Varner of Quincy, who were engaged while at the clay cliffs on Monday, August 22 — a memorable day for both. May they have a long and joyous life together and return to Aquinnah often.

Louise Petersiel and her daughter Erica enjoyed the Billy Joel concert at Fenway Park this past week.

Jane Slater will sadly be closing her Oversouth antique store at the end of the season. This has been her 40th year in business in Menemsha and she is looking forward to her retirement. Stop by on Sept. 2 and 3 while she has a 50 per cent off sale of most items in her store. She still has a vast array of Vineyard collectibles including art, books, furniture, and postcards.

Condolences to the family and friends of Linda Garvin Scott, who passed away at her home on Monday after an eight-month illness. Services will be on August 26 at 2 p.m. at Oak Grove Cemetery in Oak Bluffs.

Condolences to the family and friends of Elyse Tatreau, daughter of Reverend Ellen Tatreau and her husband Douglas Tatreau, who passed away at her home in North Weymouth on August 8. Elyse had spent her 39 years pursuing her interests in art. She was also skilled at knitting and baking, especially pastries. Services were held at her home on Saturday and attended by members of Community Baptist Church of Gay Head and First Baptist Church in Vineyard Haven, where Reverend Tatreau recently served as our minister.

It was a pleasure to see Raymond Smalley this week after nearly half a century. Ray graduated from Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School in 1963, where he held many records in sports. After serving in the Army in Viet Nam, he settled near Boston. He has spent the past decade in Kentucky and is now intending to settle in Foxboro with daughter Dana Ballou and her family. Great to see Ray.

Happy 44th anniversary wishes to Dr. Marty Kendrick and his wife Kathy on August 26.

Happy 5th anniversary wishes to Drew Dubno and his wife Jessica Seeman on August 27.

Happy 32nd anniversary wishes to Steve and Trudy Vanderhoop Garvin on August 31.

Happy birthday wishes Friday to John Wightman, Daphne Lewis (chef extraordinaire), and Marilyn Maciel. Leslie Baynes and Kathy Vanderhoop will celebrate their birthdays on August 28. Oliver Noble and Dawn Widdiss share the day on August 29. Granddaughter Christina Orfe Sims will celebrate on August 30 as will Daniel Spitz Lee and Troy Vanderhoop, Sr. Todd Vanderhoop parties on August 31.

Emme Caroline Buresch Carroll will celebrate her sixth birthday on Sept. 1, looking forward to first grade. Edward BenDavid Sr. will celebrate on Sept. 2 and shares the day with Clyde Smith, who will be 12. Kuhpay Hayes Spears Vanderhoop will be three on Sept. 3.

Send Aquinnah news to junemanning152@gmail.com.