Chilmark is turning to the fall and winter mode these days with fewer people on the roads and in the houses. I notice no cars in driveways that have been busy all summer; no lights in the houses I can see across the pond and no whir of the air conditioners in the neighboring house. Folks are leaving us for their winter lives and we are busy preparing for our winter lives...with excitement! We who live up-Island feel the jolt of the seasons change more than the down-Island towns, I think. We still have a rural feel that we who live here year-round appreciate. Of course, the quiet seasons will pass too quickly for us to get all the books read, pictures painted, boats repaired or neighbors visited. However, as some wise person once said: that’s life.

And now to face the reality of New England life...we are all preparing for whatever part of hurricane Matthew we are going to get! There goes any chance at fall foliage because the salt spray will turn all to brown.

Oct. 5 marked the beginning of the Chilmark library after-school program. The subject for the program on Oct. 12 will be spiders and bats. Children from kindergarten to fifth grade are welcome to attend the programs on Wednesday afternoons from 3 to 4 p.m. They will read and do crafts led by librarian Irene Tewksbury. Please call her at 508-645-3360 for details. The build-up to the children’s favorite holiday, Halloween, is underway!

The Chilmark library is hosting a show of the oil paintings of sky, water, and sand of Martha’s Vineyard by Valentine Estabrook. The show can be viewed and pictures purchased during the regular library hours.

The Galley will remain open from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Oct. 12. The Bite will be closing on that day also.

By the time you read this and baring any slow downs caused by a hurricane, Ed Greenebaum and Joan Caulton will have arrived from their Bloomington home for a stretch of fall and winter in their Menemsha home. Their friends and family are looking forward to their arrival.

We send condolences to Bob Nixon and his extended family of Menemsha and Washington, D.C. on the death of his mother, Agnes Nixon, who died this week. She had a long and distinguished career in television and a large and devoted family and fan base who will all miss her and continue to honor her life and work.

The League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard will host a candidates forum on Oct. 29 at 3 p.m. at the Oak Bluffs library. Judy Crawford will moderate and candidates for Register of Deeds will speak followed by candidates for sheriff.

Isabella Thorpe and her horse Reina competed at the Region 8 Regional Championship and performed very well. They were reserve champion in second level junior, first year; eighth in third level junior, first year; and sixth in third level freestyle open. Their barn mates at Woodbe Farm were also successful. Caroline Herman on Lamberghini won third at the third level junior, first year and Toni Hanover was reserve champion at third level AA and qualified for the Nationals. Tracy Olsen was eighth in first level open on her horse Silly. Congratulations to these young horse people who have to work hard to earn these championships.

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