The holiday weekend weather was delightful — bright, sunny and downright warm for this time of the year. It was busy on this last holiday weekend and restaurants were packed with diners. On Saturday the Grill on Main had a brief waiting line if you did not make a reservation. There were yard sales just about everywhere in town.
The sunset, regrettably, is now taking place at about 6 p.m. When Daylight Saving Time ends on Nov. 6 we will plunge into darkness around 5 p.m. The fall and winter season will be upon us.
Pumpkins and Halloween decorations now grace many front lawns around town and it is about time to shut off the outside water taps and put garden hoses away for the winter. The leaves have already begun to turn but not with brilliant colors, as we have seen in past years, more than likely because of the dry summer and salt spray from storms. They will probably reach the peak of color in two weeks or so.
Jen Wool, of South Road, hosted a surprise party for her friend Lisa Lillibridge from Vermont last weekend. Guests in attendance from Vermont included Maggie Pace (rock star of the knitting world) and Alison Lane (pastry chef extraordinaire). Christie Gamp, an interior designer and architectural consultant, came over from Sandwich. Jen managed to keep it a secret from Lisa (which is not easy) as it was a surprise for her birthday.
Tara Whiting, town clerk, wants to remind anyone wishing to vote in the Nov. 8 presidential election that absentee ballots are available. You may stop by and vote until noon on Nov. 7 if you are not going to be in town. She is available every weekday at the town hall. The state has instituted early voting and that will begin on the 24th. The last day to register to vote in the presidential election is Oct. 19. Tara reports that so far, voting activity has been brisk.
Cecilia McCarthy proudly reports that her daughter Lauren Petkus and Marc von Brosseau of Gatineau, Quebec married on Sept. 24 at Black Point Beach in Chilmark. She says it was possibly the most beautiful day of the fall. The ceremony was performed by brother of the bride Adam Petkus. The beautiful wedding cake was the creation of sister of the groom Elyse Brosseau. The wedding was attended by guests from near and far. It was a wonderful event that everyone enjoyed.
Ann Quigley over at the library reports that Saturday afternoon all are invited to stop by and join Julie Prazich and Sara Rosenthal at painting a wooden fish. Basic materials will be provided (wooden fish, paints, and brushes). Feel free to bring any personal adornments you might want to include. This class is free and open to adults and children ages nine and older.
On Sunday at 4 p.m. the library will host a free concert with Music Street musicians. Music Street founder, pianist Diane Katzenberg Braun, will accompany Boston opera singers Bethany Worrell and Vincent Turregano in a wide-ranging program. The musicians are graduates of the New England Conservatory with active recording and performing careers. This concert is sponsored by the Friends of the West Tisbury Library and the West Tisbury Library Foundation.
Susan Block of Music Street reports that the Martha’s Vineyard Partnership for Health is offering the series A Matter of Balance every Monday beginning Oct. 24 through Dec. 12, over at the Public Safety Building from 10 a.m. to noon. Pre-registration is required. For more information call 508-627-5797 ext. 114.
As Halloween is nearly upon us let me remind you of the biggest Halloween spoof accidentally played on the public. It was Orson Welles’ dramatization of the H.G. Wells tale War of the Worlds, broadcast live on Oct. 30, 1938 on the CBS radio network. The invasion from Mars was covered by realistic live reports, interrupting the regularly scheduled program. The headline on page one of The New York Times the following morning read Radio Listeners in Panic Taking War Drama as Fact. Trivia question: What was the name of that weekly comedy program that stared a small man in a top hat and was sponsored by Chase and Sanborn coffee?
Happy birthday to: Jeanne Borggaard, Enos Ray, Samantha Gibson, Hayley Plante and Shelia Rayyan Friday; Geoff Borr, Jon Nelson 3rd, Denise Page, Sarah Alexander and Steven Barbee Saturday; Edmund Mossey, John Washbrook, Jennifer Jones and Charles Everett on Sunday; Robert Phillips, Richard Reinhardsen, Polly Bassett, Kate Hubbell and Karen Francis on Monday; Joseph Turney, Alene Sibley, and Gail Tipton on Tuesday; Bob Levine, Sara Dexter, John Early, and Paul Galligan on Wednesday; and Bob Doane, Linda Carnegie, Glen Gaskill, Lena Johnson, Erich Luening, Ronnee Schultz and Jean Holenko on Thursday.
Well that is all of the social news for this week’s edition. If you have any news please call or e-mail me. Have a great week.
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