Welcome to November. We have had rain, wind, and sun and warmth. There are also a lot of colds going around, because of the crazy weather I guess. As we always recommend to our outdoor employees, wear layers. It is easier to deal with the weather.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week. Still no list.
Those of us who work outside have been enjoying doing so. We are also putting up the Christmas lights. It is much better doing it now with the sun and fair weather rather than the cold. But we have to be cautious, as the joke is “Don’t stand still too long or you will get wrapped with white lights.”
Halloween seemed to be a success. There were lots of goblins around. I noticed that there were many small private parties happening, and the people of William street in Vineyard Haven held their big event and I know many kids from Edgartown traveled up there.
My friends Tracy and Grace and I went to The Barn, Bowl and Bistro, the restaurant at the bowling alley in Oak Bluffs for dinner on Monday night. They have different specials on different nights, and Monday night was $5.99 burgers. It was a good meal and just enough for a nice dinner and it was a nice outing plus there was lots of bowling to watch.
Don’t forget to look up the activities at the Edgartown library. They have matinees for the young people and they are starting a film series called Tough Broads, Big Lugs: Noir and Neo-Noir Film, beginning Wednesday, Nov. 9 at 7 p.m.
News is short this week. Please call or send me an email if you have something going on. Even if it is something you saw while driving or on a walk. Don’t forget, there are those who don’t get out much anymore and they enjoy reading about different goings on.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
Send Edgartown news to kathleencase@comcast.net.
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