I knew when I started bringing out my winter clothes the weather was going back to warm. It had been cold for days and I brought out the sweaters and sweatshirts, but now we are back to just long sleeves. But I guess we can’t complain if it keeps the heat bills down.
Happy birthday to all who celebrated their day this past week.
As I sit here writing this column, I am switching the channels on the TV back and forth. I can’t watch the results as I get irritated at the news people and their interjections so I just keep tuning in every half hour or so to see what is going on. It is exciting as we may have another historic election and it certainly has been an interesting race to say the least. So time will tell.
I went to the Edgartown School play, The Wizard of Oz, last Friday night. I had not been to a play there in a while and I forgot how talented our town’s children are. Thank you to the teachers who bring out the talent in the students.
Their singing voices were amazing, their dancing was perfect and if they had any kind of stage fright it never showed. The gym was packed and the audience was very grateful for the great performance. Congratulations to all and I can’t wait for the next play.
The MV Partnership for Health is looking for people from each town to become new volunteer class leaders for My Life, My Health. This program is designed to help people manage their chronic conditions and learn and engage in strategies and approaches to stay healthy. Class leaders will learn to help participants adopt healthy behaviors that include exercise, cognitive symptom management, coping mechanisms and communications with physicians. This free four-day training will be held on Dec. 5, 6, 12, and 13 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Preregistration is required. Training materials, lunch and snacks will be provided. For more information, email ksamways@ihimv.org or call 508-627-5797, ext. 114.
Thank you to all our veterans as we celebrate their day, as we should everyday as they are the reason we have our freedom.
Have a great week and keep the home candles burning.
Send Edgartown news to kathleencase@comcast.net.
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