A special town meeting in Aquinnah has been rescheduled for Nov. 29, after a meeting Tuesday night failed to achieve a quorum.

The town meeting will convene at 7 p.m. at the old town hall.

Money for a long-planned walkway at Philbin Beach, new firefighting gear and improvements at the Circle top the six-article warrant.

When the meeting reconvenes, voters will be asked to spend $55,000 for the construction of a boardwalk across the steep dunes at Philbin Beach. A town beach access committee last year recommended the project, and voters later agreed to spend $30,000 on engineering, permitting and construction.

In January, the Aquinnah Circle was designated a cultural and historic district, a special state designation by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Town plans for the Circle include improvements to the former Manning-Murray property, where the town hopes to adapt existing buildings for public use; the development of pathways, and continued restoration of the Gay Head Light and Vanderhoop Homestead. A long-planned project to bury the power lines, working with the public utility Eversource Energy, is expected to cost about $135,000. The community preservation committee will ask voters for permission to borrow $300,000 for the various projects.

Another article asks the town to participate in a state-sponsored program that would provide funding for homeowners in need of septic system repairs.

Voters will be asked to spend $2,365 for bunker gear for the fire department.

In a final article, amendments are proposed to the town personnel bylaw. One specifies that hourly town-hall employees be required to post and maintain office hours on a regular basis, with weekends and holidays excluded. Other amendments relate to the grievance procedures for town employees, among other things taking the selectmen out of the process, putting supervisors, the town administrator and the personnel board in charge of complaints.