To quote one of my very favorite authors, certainly this is the best of times and the worst of times. My first greeting goes to all who Stand with Standing Rock. Imagine what our water protectors are going through in an unrelenting North Dakota winter. As more is revealed, spills, leaks, and damage to our drinking supply comes to the fore in many parts of our country and the world, this must be our mission for ourselves, for the children. If you cannot physically be there support us however you can. Your life depends on it.

Kathy Tarontola, a wonderful friend of my Teri Praskach, just spent a week in residency on Island at the Turkeyland Cove Foundation. This fabulous organization in Edgartown offers grants to women to spend a week in peace and beauty, working on their art, writing, novels, theses, photography, business plans, what we need to contribute to our brothers and sisters. Kathy’s specialty is photography. Cold as last week was, she managed to get around the Island, and always to her precious Lucy Vincent beach, to take and post some exquisite photographs. Kathy also spent time at Katama in the fields where Teri farmed her flowers. I heard long before I knew them that Teri and Kathy took a car trip across country years ago. If I could redo anything in my life it would be to plant myself in the car with them and be their backseat driver. I do believe some Dead concerts were attended on the trip. Thanks for sharing, Kathy.

My first Christmas in five years without Nonna and Teri. I am still decorating the house in honor of both, they would have it no other way. While I have many kind invitations for Christmas day, I am leaning on my nephew, David Gardella, for what would be a terrific gift for me. Heck, I’ll even pay for it. David is the statistician, read scorekeeper, for the Knicks home games at Madison Square Garden. He must work there Christmas day. Game between the Celtics and the Knicks. Be still my heart. I do believe the last time I was at the Garden was for a Stones concert. And then there was that New Year’s concert with Jimi Hendrix and his Band of Gypsy’s where I sat 10th row center and had such ringing in my ears for four days I had to go to the NYU student clinic to get my head on straight. Yes, it failed, but happily for me. Take that, Maribeth Priore.

The Martha’s Vineyard Partnership for Health announces a free one-hour discussion at each town’s library throughout the month of January. The topic is how to become a more effective self-manager in partnering with your health care provider. The focus will be on managing your chronic condition, and/or supporting another person with a chronic condition. Vineyard Haven’s session at our library will be on Jan. 5 from 11 am to noon. You may call for information or to sign up at 508-627-5797 extension 114, or email:

Christmas and the beginning of Hanukkah on the same day. The only thing better would be the sudden appearance of lasting world peace. Enjoy your vacations, your trips off Island, your family and guests coming here. Special shout out to my young friend, Noel Macy, who will be arriving from his home in Boston to visit his artist mother, Lowly Finnerty. If you haven’t seen her work yet put this on your list for 2017.

Anniversary bouquets go out to Edson and Norma Rodgers for their 56th wedding anniversary on Dec. 26. They fell in love and stayed there.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Stephen Perry, Emily Chappell, and Leo Kelley on Dec. 24. Dec. 25 is claimed by Kelly Dos Reis. Dec. 26 belongs to young artist Haley Panek. Dec. 27 is a party for Kyle Budhal, Austen Ostrowsky and Rene Moncada. Dec. 28 shines on Fred Norton Shapiro, Carol Slocum, and Pia DiTerlizzi. And on Dec. 29 Len Morris, George Davis, and Toby Danger Riseborough take the cake. Many happy returns. On Sunday morning, in your hearts, in your homes, and under your trees may you all find peace.

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