Chilmark greeted yet another year with dignity and grace. There were some tasteful fireworks shot off sufficiently before midnight for the early birds among us to enjoy. Chilmark has evidence of the changing years in that she sports many more shingles and paved roads each year, but after some 300 years she still seems rural and unsophisticated. The sound of the dredge working in the channel was the only sound over the wind that I could note this weekend past. All other endeavors in town seem to be at rest. There is still no snow for us to deal with yet. So my wish for the New Year is for you all to enjoy the down time and if you are not here, we hope you can find your own Chilmark time wherever you are.

Feeding and counting birds seems so logical this time of year. Many folks joined the annual Christmas count and one Chilmarker reports that she counted 13 different species in her yard that day. We still have our visitors!

Pathways Arts and Events remains open at the Chilmark Tavern; weekdays from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Wednesdays and Sundays. Evenings they are open from 7 to 9 p.m. There are many activities in arts and entertainment and the public is welcome at no charge. Please call them at 508-645-9098 for their listings.

We send condolences to the family and many friends of Gert Shea, who died on Dec. 26 at a nursing home in New Hampshire. She was 88. She was in New Hampshire to be with her son, Ray, and his wife, Camille. They retain the Chilmark home on the Hammett Farm. Gert was well-known and loved in Chilmark for many years. She and her twin sister, Gladys, ran the Community Church flea market for many years when it was in front of the church on the Crossroad. Gert and her husband, Roland, were popular residents and they have been missed by many.

Chilmark Community Church offers suppers on Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. All are welcome and the food is always good.

The Federated Church at 45 South Summer street in Edgartown will offer free lasagna for lunch every Sunday from Jan. 8 to March 26. The luncheon is served from 12:30 to 2 p.m. in the church parish house. No donations are accepted at this event. You may call for more information at 508-627-4421.

And here is one of those bits of “did you know trivia” that crossed my desk this week. It seems that there is an unincorporated residential community of about 300 acres in northern Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. called Chilmark and sometimes, Chilmark Park. Who knew. It was established in 1925 and reportedly named after the village of Chilmark, England. Seems Thomas Macy’s residence was in Chilmark, England. Valentine Everit Macy arrived in the colonies in 1635 and the Macy family was influential in the area of Briarcliff Manor throughout the 19th and 20th centuries.

If any event strikes you as newsworthy, please give me a call and share it with the rest of Chilmark. And remember, a cup of chowder and the sunset is still a great way to end the day.

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