A snowy day but not a snow day. Six more weeks of winter. Climate change on the horizon. Be careful not to slip and fall. Snow was so much more attractive before I learned to drive.

Have you lined up the food for your tailgate party? I am teaching a friend English and we are studying the Superb Bowl, the ins and outs of the NFL, and that curious American custom the tailgate party and its many recipes. This is the second person I have taught coming from a country where soccer is king. As my first student said, many years ago, why do we call it football? It is only kicked a few times during each long game. Why not call it carryball? I know where most of us will be Sunday night — Patriots nation.

The warmth of our community is so very special. The Mansion House is kicking in again, as they often do this time of year, with an alluring offer for Islanders. Our food pantry is depleted after the recent holidays. Staff at the Mansion House have placed a donation box in the lobby. If you donate five items you will receive a visit pass to the health club. This Love thy Neighbor project needs to be spread up-Island and down. Thank you, Mansion House, for your contributions.

Our library is taking February by storm. The month will be over before you know it. On Saturday, Feb. 4 an adult crafts session will be held at 1 p.m. Anyone over age 12 may learn how to make beautiful paper with a workshop on marbling and Suminagashi. This will surely help you in all your future artistic projects. Contact Jennifer for more information, 508-696-4211, ext. 12.

Tuesday night’s movie offering at the library at 7 p.m. is the Queen of Katwe. This true story is based on the life of a girl from rural Uganda who learns to play chess and dreams of becoming an international champion. It stars some of the greatest actors, David Oyelowo, Lupita Nyong’o and Madina Nalwanga. All movies are free and come with Betty’s popcorn.

Since next Thursday, Feb. 8, is the first Thursday of the month, the photography club meets at 6 p.m. at the library. All people are welcome and all levels of skill are welcome. Perhaps one day your work will be featured in Art in the Stacks.

I want to give you advance notice regarding a special meeting at the library on Saturday, Feb. 11 at 1 p.m. so you may plan on attending. Kara Hemingway, the foster care recruiter from the department of children and families, will be on Island to present an introduction to foster parenting. She can tell you how to go about it and list many helpful resources that will be available if you make this commitment. I recommend this from my personal experience. Contact Kara at kara.hemingway@state.ma.us. Her number is 508-894-3957.

Anniversary bouquets go out to a marriage 15 years in the making. Javier and Julia Gomez Blanco celebrate on Feb. 2. They married on 2/2/02 thinking it would be easy to remember. But this couple is impossible to forget. Bouquets of flowers and good wishes to them.

The birthday bandwagon pulls along Joan Jannace, Jeffrey Rancourt and Jennifer Roman on Feb. 3; Feb. 4 is shared by Roni DeLuz and Josh Flanders, Jr.; Feb. 5 honors Kelsey Smith, Raleigh Hadley Russell and Rex Henry Grant; Feb. 6 is a party for Marcia R. Wise, Neko Masi, Chris Silvia and Taylor Poggi; Feb. 7 shines on Deb Little; Feb. 8 is claimed by Dianne McDonough and Jeffrey Masi, Sr.; and on Feb. 9 Jamie Orlowsky and Justin Smith take the cake. Many happy returns.

Send Vineyard Haven news to iklean@yahoo.com.